Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 220 You Are Sweet To Bites

Chapter 220 You are very sweet to bite (Part [-])

*Yvette extra

In the luxurious and beautiful room, thick multi-layered curtains hang down, blocking the light falling from the window.

Inside was a pitch-black coffin quietly placed.

The coffin is painted with complex and exquisite patterns in gold lacquer, and it can be vaguely seen that it is a large area of ​​blooming roses.

A slender and beautiful hand pushed the coffin away from the inside, and then, a slender and beautiful girl slowly sat up inside.

The young girl's appearance is gorgeous and gorgeous, and her silver hair, which is like moonlight, hangs down, covering her half-closed eyes.

The fundus of the eyes suppressed disbelief.

She went back to the past.

The past where nothing happened yet.

Yvette bit her lip, stood up suddenly, her dazed eyes gradually became firmer, and disappeared into the room with a teleportation.

"Rebellion?" The queen looked at Yvette in surprise, and couldn't help showing a bit of surprise and doubt in her eyes: "Yvette, where did you get the news, is it just a rumor?"

"Absolutely not." Yvette took a deep breath, raised her head to hold back the tears that were about to fall, and said word by word: "I can swear to the queen that everything I said is true."

The queen was thoughtful, and suddenly said: "In that case, I will leave this matter to you."

"Don't let the queen mother down," the queen narrowed her eyes, showing the dignity and compelling aura of the superior, and said slowly: "Yvette."

The blood race is cold by nature, and the blood relationship is not very close to them, so Yvette's reaction to the queen is not surprising.

"Yes." Yvette agreed without hesitation.

Back in the room, the girl curled up, staring at the void in a daze.

After a long while, she lowered her head again, her fingers raised a lock of her long hair, and the expression on her face seemed to be crying or laughing.

That's great, now she is still the little princess of the blood race, not a prisoner who has lost her freedom and is locked in a laboratory.

Yvette still remembered the heavy and cold feeling of the chain, and recalled the pain she felt every time she was subjected to the experiment, and the corners of her lips slowly curled up.

This time, she will not repeat the same mistakes.

As expected, the rebellion of the blood clan did not cause a big storm this time, and the members of the new organization were wiped out, but Yvette thought of another very important question.

Ming Sheng is also a member of the new organization, if she changes the past, Ming Sheng will never appear again.

But... Yvette bit her lip.

She will not regret it.

The news that the crown prince had predicted this hidden conspiracy in advance and succeeded in counter-killing caused quite a stir within the blood clan.

For a while, Yvette's reputation soared, and many princes and elders proposed marriage with the Queen, but Yvette rejected them one by one.

She didn't know if Ming Sheng would appear again, but she didn't want to be with other people either.

With the passage of time, Yvette gradually grew into a very qualified heir of the blood family. The little princess's innocence and naivety disappeared completely. Under the queen's instruction, she even started to get involved in political affairs.

For decades, Yvette would visit the human world from time to time. She rescued a little girl in the alley and brought her back to the blood race.

In the late autumn of another year, golden sweet-scented osmanthus blossoms are in full bloom, hidden among the luxuriant branches and leaves. The blossoms are delicate and beautiful, with a delicate fragrance that permeates for several miles.

Yvette liked this kind of scene very much, and specially took advantage of the evening time to come out to watch it.

Suddenly, the girl's footsteps stopped.

She stared blankly at the familiar figure not far away, thinking it was a dream for a moment.

As if feeling her gaze, the young man slowly turned his head, revealing her familiar face, gentle and clear.

Yvette burst into tears.

"Ming Sheng—"

Throughout the years, you have rushed to me without hesitation.

Then, I also responded with the same enthusiasm.

— Yvette
 eight more.

  This plane is finally over, and a new plane will open tomorrow.

  Nianxia is the author's true love, and the soft and obedient little milk dog is really fragrant.

(End of this chapter)

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