Chapter 224: He's always pretending to be good

"you are welcome."

Qin Yuanzhao's eyes passed over the girl's bright and soft eyebrows calmly. She didn't seem to know what this business card represented, and her eyes were still clear.

The young man didn't waste any more time, and politely nodded to the girls around him as a greeting, then turned and left with a clear and tall figure.

As soon as he left, the girls who had been intimidated by Qin Yuanzhao's temperament dared to speak. They surrounded Ji Ge, and chattered with each other: "Ji Ge, you are so lucky. He was spotted by that Mr. Qin."

The girl bent her eyes, slowly clenched the business card tightly, smiled and did not answer.

Back in the lounge, Ji Ge took off her make-up, changed into costumes and came out, and saw all the girls gathered around a large bouquet of roses.

"Ji Ge, these are the flowers your boyfriend sent over just now." Someone found Ji Ge, turned his head and said.

Ji Ge raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, and took a few steps forward. The crowd dispersed to make way for her, revealing the covered champagne roses.

The golden pink roses are clustered together, the branches and leaves are thick and green, the short, thick and hard thorns have been cleaned up, the petals are as thin as paper, and they are curled and blooming, and fresh water drops are rolling down on the leaves, reflecting the cool broken light Come.

Ji Ge took out a small card from the rose. It was beautiful and elegant in lavender-gold color. On it was written a line of words in flamboyant handwriting: "The performance is very beautiful, and you are also very beautiful when you are standing on the stage."

The signature is Qin Yuanzai.

Ji Ge caressed the bright and clean petals of the rose, suddenly thought of something, and took out the mobile phone in his pocket. As expected, the male lead sent her a message.

Qin Yuanzai: "Ji Ge, I'll wait for you outside."

With such a gentle method, it's no wonder that the original owner fell into this huge pit in a daze.

Ji Ge picked up Rose, and smiled embarrassedly at his companion: "I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

Everyone knew the reason why she was in a hurry to leave, and after seeing this, they teased a few words and watched the girl leave the lounge briskly.

At the end of May, the time has entered the early summer, the sun is scorching hot, shining brightly on the ground.

"Far away," Ji Ge trotted to the young man: "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

"Soon," Qin Yuan looked down at the watch on his hand: "It's almost noon, are you hungry?"

"Of course I'm hungry." Ji Ge tilted his head, and his ending sound softened, revealing a bit of coquettishness: "For the performance, I haven't eaten since last night."

This kind of unconscious intimacy made Qin Yuanzai very useful, his brows and eyes were a little gentle: "I have reserved a table in the restaurant, and I will take you to lunch first?"

"Okay." Ji Ge simply agreed.

The girl was holding a large bouquet of champagne roses in her arms, and her fingers were clasped on the ribbon tied with the bouquet, looking a bit struggling.

Qin Yuan frowned: "If you can't hold it, just throw it away, and I'll give you a new one later."

"This won't work," Ji Ge said with a smile on his lips, "This is something you gave me, so of course you should treasure it carefully."

Qin Yuan trembled in his heart, and subconsciously glanced at Ji Ge.

The girl had already looked away, and her pace was a little anxious, closely following his rhythm.

Qin Yuan's eyes flickered, and he slowed down.

The original owner was a dancer, and he needed to pay attention to his calorie intake when eating, so Ji Ge didn't eat much in one meal.

The meal was uneventful, and the only twist was when Qin Yuan returned to his seat from the bathroom, he saw someone courting his girlfriend.

 Two more.

(End of this chapter)

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