Chapter 225: He's always pretending to be good

The girl smiled and shook her head, as if she said something, the boy left feeling a little disappointed.

"What are you talking about?" Qin Yuan sat down opposite Ji Ge and asked knowingly.

"Of course it's to tell him how good my boyfriend is," Ji Ge dragged his tone and said briskly, "So he can give up."

Sensing that Qin Yuanzai's mood seemed to be a lot happier because of this, Ji Ge curled her lips, her eyes were dark and her eyelashes were slightly curled up, making her eyes extraordinarily clear and pure.

The girl slowly raised the corners of her lips, and smiled viciously at a place where Qin Yuan could not see.

——I was thinking about what kind of coffin I should choose for my dear boyfriend.

Jige put his finger on the table and drew a circle slowly.

Not urgent.

After eating, the two returned to school. Qin Yuan sent Ji Ge back to the dormitory in person, and turned to leave after watching the girl's back disappear at the stairs.

As soon as he entered the door, Ji Ge met two pairs of burning green wolf eyes, and was startled immediately: "...What are you doing?"

Xia Shan leaned forward, grabbed Ji Ge's arm and shook it vigorously: "Goddess, do you know that you and Senior Qin are on the forum again."

Ji Ge was stunned for a moment: "What forum?"

Xia Shan dug out the post from her phone and handed it to Ji Ge: "Here, this is it."

Ji Ge conveniently placed the champagne rose on the desk, and quickly browsed through the entire post: "...the people in the school are too busy."

"You don't know the influence you and Qin Yuan have in school." Chi Fan rolled his eyes and crossed his arms: "When you and Qin Yuan announced their relationship, the men's dormitory cried and howled all night. Now the forum There are still people here who clock in every day, waiting for the two of you to break up."

Ji Ge choked.

"I believe in love again," Xia Shan said with a smile while holding her mobile phone, "Tomorrow I will go after the professor who just arrived in our department."

"Shanshan, didn't you say a few days ago that you fell in love with a little wolf dog from the sports department?"

"Oh," Xia Shanli said bluntly, "I'm empathizing with you."

Chi Fan was amazed: "Is this the speed at which women change their minds?"

"What are you arguing about?!" Before Xia Shan could speak, there was a loud noise from the other side of the bed, and Bai Hui poked her head out from the bed curtain, her face full of impatience: "If you want to talk, can you go out and talk?" , I don’t know if someone is taking a lunch break?!”

Xia Shan immediately fell silent, and resentfully stopped talking.

Chi Fan also understood Bai Hui's temperament, and had no intention of arguing with her, so he slowly climbed onto the bed.

Ji Ge glanced at Bai Hui, the girl looked at her keenly, snorted coldly, and said contemptuously: "Isn't it just that I have a boyfriend? What's there to be proud of?"

Ji Ge found a few glass bottles, disassembled the bouquets and placed them in the glass bottles. He was not in a hurry, completely treating Bai Hui as air.

Feeling neglected, Bai Hui became even more irritable, snorted heavily, and retreated behind the bed curtain.

Ji Ge glanced at her direction, thoughtful.

Speaking of which, the heroine was able to know the original owner's itinerary, thanks to Baihui's tip-off.

Bai Hui is considered the most discordant member in Ji Ge's four-person dormitory.

When Bai Hui was a freshman, Bai Hui fell in love with a boy, and after half a month of chasing her, she seemed to be on the verge of getting married, but when the boy saw the original owner who appeared with Bai Hui, he was shocked, and soon changed his mind.

Because of this incident, Bai Hui had a estrangement from the original owner. In addition to her unpleasant temper, the remaining roommates in the dormitory were not close to her.

The little tiger's teeth drew a sharp arc in the air.

Ji Song chuckled.

One more goal.

 Three shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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