Chapter 252: He's always pretending to be good

The Rong family is a typical European-style villa style, located in the well-known wealthy area of ​​City A, there are not many residents in it, Ji Ge is very quiet along the way.

In the thick green, a white jade railing can be seen faintly, and the winding hollow pattern is engraved with luxury and delicacy.

Mother Ye and Father Rong flew abroad long before Ji Ge's arrival, so Rong Huai was the only one in the villa.

The young man was sitting on the sofa, and immediately raised his head to look at Ji Ge when he heard the door opening, and lowered his eyes: "Sister is here."

"Well," Ji Ge stood still, looking around: "Where is my room?"

"I'll take my sister there." Rong Huai got up and led Ji Ge upstairs.

The room with mint green as the main color has a warm and elegant style. Thin, dark window screens hang down on both sides, and a corner is lifted by the wind, revealing the lush and prosperous tree crowns outside the window sill.

Ji Ge picked up the tiger shark doll placed by the wall and squeezed its tail: "It's very cute."

It turns out that Rong Huai asked her what color she likes to decorate the room?
Ji Ge hugged the round doll, the sharp little canine teeth looming: "Did Ah Huai prepare this?"

Rong Huai saw that Ji Ge might have misunderstood something, but he didn't mean to explain, so he brought the topic lightly: "Well, does sister like it?"


After sorting the things in the suitcase, Ji Ge followed Rong Huai around the villa.

"Auntie will cook at that time," the young man went down the steps, turned his head and explained to Ji Ge: "As for the sanitation of the villa, the labor union will come to clean it when the time comes, so under normal circumstances, there are only me and my sister at home."

Hearing these words, Ji Ge paused, and quickly returned to normal as if nothing had happened.

Ji Ge: ...I always feel that his words have some deep meaning.

What surprised Ji Ge was that there was a piano room in the villa.

A black and white piano was quietly placed in the center of the room, slender fingers lightly brushed the black and white keys, and pressed a few notes, Ji Ge turned to look at Rong Huai: "Ah Huai, do you know how to play the piano?"

"I have learned it for many years," the dog's eyes slightly curved, and the boy asked her in a low voice, "Does my sister want to hear it?"

Anyway, there is nothing to be busy now, Ji Ge nodded: "Yeah."

Rong Huai pursed his lips and smiled, and walked forward.

The delicate and beautiful young man sat in front of the piano, pressing the keys with his slender and fair fingers, and the melodious music sounded instantly.

The gurgling, clear and pleasant music echoed in the piano room, causing the air to hum slightly. The melody was so familiar that Ji Ge immediately recognized it: "It's Adilina by the water."

"Well," the song ended, the boy stopped playing, his fingertips jumped a few times unconsciously, the slender finger bones lined with the black and white keys, showing an unusually white and clear color: "Does my sister know the story behind this song?" ?”

"Adeline by the Water", French name "Ballade pour Adeline", is a piece of music composed by Paul Seneville and played by Richard Clayderman.

It comes from a romantic Greek mythology.

King Pygmalion of Cyprus sculpted a beautiful girl, stared at her every day, and finally fell in love with the statue of the girl inevitably.

He prayed to the gods, looking forward to the miracle of love.His sincerity and dedication moved Aphrodite, the god of love, and gave life to the sculpture.

From then on, the lucky king lived happily with the beautiful girl.

Ji Ge recalled the story of "Adi Lina by the Water", and the clear and sweet voice of the young man sounded in his ears: "This song is dedicated to my beloved."

"And I, dedicated to my sister."

 Four more.

  start living together

  I'm very sorry, half of the fourth update was rewritten, so I don't have time to write the fifth update today, so I can only postpone it until tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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