Chapter 253: He's always pretending to be good

"Sister," the young man stared at her with a serious look in his clear eyes and a faint smile: "Do you want to promise me?"

Ji Ge was almost swayed by this beauty, but finally resisted Rong Huai's seductive temptation tenaciously: "...Let's talk about it when you are admitted to University A."

After failing to succeed in the routine, Rong Huai sighed regretfully.

But the boy also knew that she agreed in disguise, so he hummed obediently.

I seem to be more and more conniving towards Rong Huai, Ji Ge is in a daze, and I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing?

"...Miss Ye?" The shout of the person in front of him brought Ji Ge back to his senses, and the girl smiled at her a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, I was distracted just now."

"It's okay," the screenwriter said, "I'll continue telling you about the script."

Ji Song nodded.

This is a typical heroine drama. It tells the story of a poor heroine who fights against injustice and darkness in the workplace tenaciously through her own efforts, and finally becomes a world-renowned dancer and shines on the international stage. The story of light.

Ji Ge's role in the fourth female role is not important, but her position in the entire TV series is indispensable. She is the heroine's idol. At the beginning, the heroine dreamed of dancing because she saw her performance by chance.

This character is equivalent to a white moonlight existence in the play. She became famous at a young age, has amazing talent, and has a noble and arrogant personality. In the end, she was banned because she refused the unspoken rules of a boss. In desperation, she chose to commit suicide by jumping off a building, ending her short life. Another bright life.

Ji Ge changed into costumes and walked out of the lounge.

The leading actress not far away squinted her eyes at Ji Ge for a while, clicked her tongue, and raised her chin: "That's Ming Yuexue's actor?"

Ming Yuexue is the name of the fourth female.

The little assistant at the side glanced at Ji Ge, was stunned, and replied cautiously: "It should be."

Yun Man stood up lazily: "I'll go meet her."

The little assistant was startled, and quickly grabbed Yun Man's arm, persuading him, "Sister Yun, Brother Li has already spoken, asking you to be more peaceful these few months."

She took a deep breath: "otherwise, he can't keep you."

A hint of irritability appeared in Yunman's eyes, and he frowned, but in the end he still didn't go forward.

Near noon, Qin Yuanzhao came to inspect the crew.

Ji Ge didn't know how free he was as the president, so he had time to go to a not-so-important crew to check the progress of the filming.

The assistant who came with him brought a box of ice cream and distributed it to the actors and staff of the crew one by one.

Ice cream is a very expensive brand. Ji Ge can't eat this kind of thing very much, but he doesn't want to stand out too much. After thanking him, he slowly peeled off the package. Before he had time to take a bite, Qin Yuanzhao came over.

"Miss Ye," the male voice was low and gentle: "Are you still used to staying here?"

Ji Ge responded politely: "Thank you Mr. Qin for your concern, the crew is doing well."

Both of them have outstanding looks, not to mention that Qin Yuanzai was brought here by the director himself. Others can tell that his status is precious at a glance, so they can't help but pay more attention to it. Now it is obvious that Qin Yuanzhao is here for Jige , I suddenly had a count in my heart.

Yun Man looked at the two of them from afar: "It turns out that someone is covering them, no wonder they joined the group so late."

The little assistant has a good memory, and immediately remembered Qin Yuanzhao's identity, and whispered to the side: "Sister Yun, he is the president of Hengsheng."

"That large-scale entertainment company?" Yunman's eyelashes trembled, and a gleam of light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

 Make up for yesterday's update.

  All the "sisters" written by the author of yesterday's first update were replaced with silent songs. The review is a bit strict, so the author will not change it. The little angels can just bring it in when they read it.

(End of this chapter)

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