Chapter 274: He's always pretending to be good

When Ji Ge and the others arrived at the auditorium, the matter had already settled.

The classroom was in a mess, the desks were pushed down, Bai Hui was sitting in the middle of the open space, her eyes were red, she looked embarrassed, and the slap marks on her face were clearly visible.

"What's wrong?" Xia Shan noticed the weird atmosphere in the classroom and asked subconsciously.

Someone next to her answered in a low voice.

After understanding the cause and effect, Xia Shan was a little confused. Logically speaking, Bai Hui was also considered a victim when this happened. As roommates, they should go to comfort her.

But the problem is, Bai Hui had fallen out with the whole dormitory long ago, so Xia Shan was a little hesitant about going forward.

Just when Xia Shan was still in a state of hesitation, Ji Ge took out a few tissues and walked forward, holding them in his hands.

"Chirp." Xia Shan called out, frowning slightly.

In the dormitory, she and Chi Fan are more suitable than Ji Ge, and the tension between them is already very big, especially after Bai Hui mocked Ji Ge again and again, the two have officially torn apart .

Is Haw so magnanimous that even his deadly enemy is so kind that he doesn't add insult to injury, but walks up to comfort her? !
There are not a few people who think like her.

Chi Fan raised his eyebrows, watched Ji Ge pass quietly, and did not stop him.

In the eyes of outsiders, it was Ji Ge who walked slowly in front of Bai Hui, knelt down and handed her a tissue, as if saying a few words of comfort to her, with a look of unbearable expression on his face.

The girl tilted her head with a gentle and beautiful expression. The pale golden sunlight fell on her thick black long hair, coating the edges of her hair with a soft and light halo.

Like an angel walking out of an oil painting, holy and pure.

Sure enough, the last time Goddess Ye threw Qin Yuan on the ice was just a moment of impatience, she should still be a gentle and kind girl by nature.

This idea flashed through many people's minds.

However, only Bai Hui, who was close at hand, heard what this hypocritical woman said.

"Boyfriend is in two boats," the girl's voice was very soft, like a dormant dream, and people couldn't help lowering the tone, for fear of waking her up.

The girl smiled and said: "It's... really pitiful."

Bai Hui's pupils shrank suddenly, and she couldn't even care about the pain on her face.

She once said this sentence to Ji Ge, but she returned it without changing it at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, a flash of inspiration flashed in Baihui's mind, and she suddenly figured out a lot of things.

For example, why did that girl know about her boyfriend's cheating by such a coincidence.

And why did it happen in public? !

In this, there must be Ye Jige's help.

A gust of cold air rose from the soles of Bai Hui's feet, and quickly spread to all limbs and bones.

They were all deceived by Ye Jige's disguise.

Ye Jige usually pretends to be harmless to humans and animals, which almost confuses everyone, but in fact, she is an out-and-out demon.

Bai Hui was immersed in her own thoughts, ignoring the hand stretched out by the girl in front of her.

The hand holding the tissue was deadlocked in mid-air for a while, lonely and unattended. After a while, the girl slowly withdrew her hand, lowered her head and said aggrievedly: "I know Bai Hui is in a bad mood, sorry excuse me."

She did not restrain her voice, and many people around her heard this sentence.

The long, fluffy and soft hair like black satin covered the expression on her face, the girl stood up, and walked towards Xia Shan and Chi Fan without saying a word.

The back is lonely and lonely.

So when Bai Hui came back to her senses, she instantly accepted a wave of condemning eyes from around her.

The discussion was broken.

"Bai Hui is too clueless. Ye Jige kindly comforted her, but in the end she ignored him."

"Hey, my goddess is a beautiful person with a kind heart. Who would want to talk to her with someone else?"

 four shifts

  The author actually finished writing (ω)hiahiahia
(End of this chapter)

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