Chapter 275: He's always pretending to be good

Bai Hui opened her mouth, she wanted to say that this is not the case, you were all deceived by Ye Jige, she is not as harmless as she seems on the surface.

But as soon as she uttered a syllable, she saw Ji Ge, who had already walked back to Xia Shan and Chi Fan, turn around and mouth silently towards her.

Bai Hui miraculously understood that mouth shape.

That is clearly saying: "Who will believe you."

Bai Hui's face was pale, and she sat on the ground blankly, unable to utter a word.

My heart is cold.

Xia Shan originally had to hide for a while after this happened, but she didn't expect her psychological quality to be extraordinary, and she went back to the dormitory as if nothing had happened after a few days.

There was a lot of discussion about her on the forum, but because there was nothing new in the follow-up, the popularity quickly dropped.

Xia Shan curled her lips, and when she saw Bai Hui entering the door, she just glanced at her and didn't say hello to her.

To Xia Shan's surprise, Bai Hui didn't find fault anymore, but climbed onto the bed obediently as soon as she came back, and closed the bed curtain.

What is it doing, modified?

Xia Shan and Chi Fan looked at each other, both confused.

Soon, Jige returned.

The freshman was still in military training, so Ji Ge went to the playground after class to visit her boyfriend who was working hard in a military posture under the scorching sun, and brought some refreshing drinks and sunscreen by the way.

Bai Hui sat on the bed, and after hearing the sound of the door opening, a burst of brisk footsteps gradually approached, followed by the sound of Xia Shan chatting and laughing with Ji Ge, and occasionally Chi Fan interrupted.

There were laughter and laughter in the dormitory, and the atmosphere was warm and beautiful, making it even more out of place for her who was alone.

Bai Hui clenched her lips in silence, feeling more and more hostile in her heart.

After a while, she heard what she wanted to hear.

"Haha, are you really going to the DC area? It's too unsafe to be alone. Do you want me to accompany you?"

It was Xia Shan's voice.

The DC area is the old city of City A. The buildings there are all old houses from decades ago. They are old and dilapidated. Because of the inconvenient transportation, most of the residents chose to move away, so it is quite desolate and remote.

What Ji Ge is going to is a hand-made tailor shop over there, which sells cheongsams and ancient costumes. The owner is an old woman who is nearly ninety years old. She was born in the troubled times of the Republic of China. She is very good at needlework, especially Hunan embroidery, which is lifelike.

It's just that the old man is old and has a very stubborn personality. She doesn't accept phone orders, and she is willing to accept guests only if they come in person.

Ji Ge wants to order a costume from the Han and Tang Dynasties in the store to prepare for the upcoming assessment this semester.

"No need," said the clear and pleasant voice softly and clearly, "I can go alone, so I won't bother Shan Shan."

"Okay then," Xia Shan stopped trying to persuade her, and emphasized again: "Be sure to pay attention to safety."

"En." Ji Ge responded with a smile, and looked at Baihui's bed calmly. The hanging curtains blocked the peeping from the outside, and only a faint figure could be seen inside.

The girl's bright red lips raised slightly.

The bait has been released, will the big fish take the bait?
Regarding the answer to this question, Ji Ge felt that Bai Hui would not let her down.

Sure enough, in the evening of the next day, Ji Ge was carrying something, and was blocked by people just as he walked out of the old alley.

A few young men in a hurry blocked Ji Ge's way, their unscrupulous eyes wandered on Ji Ge's face, and the smile on his face showed a bit of obscenity and malice.

 five shifts

(End of this chapter)

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