Chapter 279: He's always pretending to be good

Shen Sesu's body trembled, and suddenly thought of something, he rushed up like crazy, with a deep hatred in his voice: "It was you, you did it, right?"

Through the glass, Shen Sesu couldn't touch Ji Ge, and couldn't hurt her at all, but was quickly restrained by the guards next to her.

Ji Ge groaned, seeing that the task completion rate had risen to 75, he bent his lips happily and did not refute.

Although Ji Ge did not directly intervene in Shen's affairs, it cannot be said that it has nothing to do with her.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even if the Shen family has suffered such a big blow, it is reasonable to say that they can survive for a while, and this abnormal speed of decline naturally has no shortage of forgiving actions.

Shen Sesu is useless. This mental hospital is her cage, and she can only spend the rest of her life here.

Such long-term torment is not as easy as getting it over with.

But does Shen Sesu have the courage to seek death?
Ji Ge smiled and thought, no, she has been raised so well since she was a child, she is delicate, innocent, self-willed, she is the spoiled Princess and the Pea, how could she be willing to bear the severe pain of death.

So the heroine can only spend the bleak second half of her life in a hopeless state.

Jige Shi Shiran got up and left, the girl's slender figure disappeared from Shen Sesu's vision, she fell to the ground in despair, her tears fell on the ground patteringly, fainting one after another in small light-colored circles.

The girl's cry was bleak, but no one would pay attention to it anymore.

Ji Ge walked out of the mental hospital.

The time has entered November, the temperature is already very low, the sky is dim, and lead gray clouds are stacked on the sky, dyed with different shades of color.

The cold wind blew through the shriveled and dark brown dead branches on the roadside, making a biting sound.

Winter is coming, and the snow is coming.

Ji Ge shrank his neck into his collar in fear of the cold, and the light blue velvet lined a small piece of skin under his chin, showing a delicate and white color like porcelain.

The girl stretched out her hand, and half a dead leaf twirled and fell on the palm of her hand. The lines on it were clear and winding like blood vessels.

——It’s still short of the last one.

The bankruptcy of the Shen family is like a butterfly in the tropical rainforest. The wind blown by its wings has caused unimaginable follow-up effects.

The Qin family was the first to be implicated.

The Shen family and the Qin family have close ties. After the Shen family went bankrupt, the Qin family's stock price plummeted in a short period of time, and the Qin family's leadership experienced a turmoil.

Many shareholders united to question Qin's father and Qin Yuanzai's decision.

Qin's father was already in poor health and was recuperating. Surprised by this accident, he had a heart attack. Fortunately, he was discovered in time and sent to the ICU. He has not yet woken up.

In the entire Qin family, Qin Yuan was the only one left to support him.

The current situation was already difficult, and coupled with the Rong family's deliberate suppression, it became even more difficult.

Facing his rival in love, Qin Yuan held his breath and forcibly held on.

However, he is only a young man in his early twenties with little experience, and he is no match for those scheming old men. He will inevitably suffer a few times. If he is not smart enough, I am afraid that the Qin family would have changed hands long ago.

Even so, it was not easy for Qin Yuanzai.

An ambitious shareholder united with others, and with the secret support of external capital, began to openly defy Qin Yuanzai's resolution.

Several major shareholders discussed and decided to hold a general meeting of shareholders to vote on whether to change the top leader.

30.00% of the Qin family's shares are concentrated in Qin Yuanzai and Qin's father, who have absolute control over the Qin family. Coupled with the stocks in the hands of other old people who support Qin Yuanzai, he has a great chance of winning.

Even if he was sure of winning, Qin Yuanzai did not let down his vigilance. He was almost rooted in the office, and he didn't even have time to recall the grievances in the past.

Until he had a dream.

 Nine more

  Thank you for the reward from the little angel of ten
  Rest tomorrow afternoon, the author will write an update for the little angels, and by the way make up for the update when the [-] recommended tickets
  Not sure how many chapters, how many posts can be written
  This plane said that the end of this week must be this week [clench fist]
(End of this chapter)

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