Chapter 280: He's always pretending to be good

Qin Yuan woke up profusely in sweat and couldn't regain his senses for a long time.

That was really a terrible nightmare.

He dreamed of a very different fate.

Ever since Shen Sesu woke up from the car accident, a fork appeared in the past.

He saw that he was deceived by Shen Sese's clumsy means, and after breaking up with Ji Ge, he started dating Shen Sese. He saw that everyone gave deep blessings to this beautiful love of childhood sweethearts that overcome countless obstacles.

He saw that the once estranged, gentle and radiant girl was abandoned and forgotten by him, and died of despair in cold winter.

- The future is cut off.

Those memories were too real, and Qin Yuan's brain felt aching after he had been busy for many days without getting a good rest.

He bit his lower lip tightly, suspicious.

What is real and what is false?
Could it be that it was not a dream? !
Thinking of this possibility, the young man stood up abruptly and rushed out in a hurry.

The secretary guarding the outside room was awakened, looked at Qin Yuanzai in a daze, and hurriedly chased after him: "Mr. Qin, where are you going?"

"I'll go out for a while," Qin Yuan said without stopping, "you will be in charge of the meeting later."

The secretary wanted to say something, but was forced back by the young man's sharp eyes.

Noticing Qin Yuan's pale face, the secretary swallowed what he wanted to say, and respectfully said, "I see, there will be no problem."

Qin Yuan walked out of the Qin's Building with only one thought in mind.

Hurry up, hurry up, he wants to see Ji Ge with his own eyes and confirm that she is still alive.

Make sure it's... nothing more than a nightmare.

At the end of December, in the middle of winter.

The snow began to fall in the early hours of the morning, and by the time it was completely bright, the outside had become a piece of frost.

Xia Shan exhaled, instantly condensed into a thin white mist in the air, and dissipated in an instant.

It was so cold.

When the get out of class bell rang, the teacher put away the lesson plans and announced the end of get out of class.

Ji Ge put away the textbooks and notes, and walked out of the classroom with Xia Shan Chifan side by side.

Xia Shan rubbed her hands, and suddenly became interested: "Jiji, do you want to eat Malatang at noon?"

Before Ji Ge could speak, Chi Fan raised his eyes to look at her first: "Eat Mala Tang? Are you not afraid of gaining weight? Are you ready for the midterm exam?"

After death asked three times, Xia Shan became as quiet as a chicken in an instant.

Can't be bothered.

Ji Ge laughed, and rubbed Xia Shan's dog's head comfortingly.

There was a sudden exclamation not far away, Ji Ge looked over subconsciously, and saw a slender and tall figure walking towards her with a clear purpose.

Ji Ge raised his eyebrows.

Qin Yuan has excellent looks and temperament, even though his face is pale and dejected, he still stands out from the crowd, and his body is full of admiring eyes of girls.

It's just that the young man didn't notice the people around him. His long legs stopped in front of Ji Ge, and he pressed his thin lips tightly: "Ji Ge, can we find a place to chat?"

Seeing this, Ji Ge clicked his tongue playfully and agreed.

The two found a coffee shop near the school and sat down.

Qin Yuan greedily looked at the familiar face close at hand, and then felt a little relieved, he opened his mouth, and explained in a somewhat confused way: "I didn't mean to disturb you, chirp, I just had a nightmare .”

Like a child who did something wrong, he lowered his head and said awkwardly: "I dreamed that you died, so..."

Fortunately, it was just a dream.

Qin Yuan thought happily.

The thought in his heart hadn't disappeared, the young man suddenly heard the girl across from him smile very lightly.

The laughter was exceptionally clear in the quiet atmosphere.

 One more.

  Thank you for the reward from the little angel of ten
  Next is the crematorium of the original male lead, it will be properly arranged for him, the knife hurts a bit, if the little angels have low tears, read carefully

(End of this chapter)

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