Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 292 I Heard You Are Secretly in Love with Me

Chapter 292 I Heard You Are Secretly in Love with Me (6)

At this moment, the boy was carelessly playing with a headphone cable. The white headphone cable was loosely wrapped around his snow-white slender fingers. He couldn't tell whether the headphone cable was whiter or the boy's fingers were whiter.

This is the treasure of the town school that their Hanyang High School teacher has been hiding all the time, Sui Li.

Sui Li is not only superior in appearance, but also has a superb IQ, which is comparable to others.

In the last monthly exam, on such a difficult paper, Sui Li still got close to a perfect score, which was more than 2 points behind No.20, which almost made her mentally collapse.

The girls couldn't help feeling, is this still human?
Logically speaking, Hanyang would not allow him to be an exchange student for such a trump card. If he goes to Cuiying and never returns, Hanyang High School can perform a cry on the spot for Cuiying Noble High School.

But the situation of Sui Li is quite special.

His face is far more famous than his grades. After all, everyone is a good-looking dog, and they are more conscientious.

But most people also have a standard for doing things. At most, they secretly lick the screen at Sui Li's photo and go crazy.

It's just that an extremist appeared later, and he did crazy things, and was finally posted on the school post bar.

After this incident broke out, it caused a sensation in the whole school. The girl's family originally wanted to make a major incident into a trivial one, but Sui Li didn't play tricks. After a quick operation, the girl directly transferred to another school with the punishment behind her back. He also submitted an exchange to the school. student application.

The school didn't want to agree at first, but Sui Li was very straightforward. If he didn't agree, he transferred to another school. After weighing the pros and cons, his application was finally approved.

"Brother Li," the boy in the back seat grabbed the back of the chair with both hands: "What are you thinking?"

"It's nothing." The young man lowered his eyes indifferently. The sunlight streamed in through the car window, imprinting mottled gold on the snow-white skin.

Even Qi Yan, a big boy, was stunned for a few seconds, and blurted out: "Brother Li, you must hold back, I heard that there are many goblins in Cuiying, if you are hooked away, Lao Xia will be a shark to me. "

Lao Xia is their class teacher, and before coming here, he made repeated orders, telling Qi Yan to keep an eye on their Hanyang baby.

Sui Li took off the headphone cable and threw it back without looking back.

Qi Yan accurately caught the headphone cable, and shouted: "Brother Li, this is from my heart."

He whispered: "Could it be that you don't like women, could it be..."

This time Sui Li finally turned his head condescendingly, staring at Qi Yan with cold eyes.

Qi Yan shut up knowingly.

Well, he, Li Ge, is a 24K purebred straight man, and he is determined not to bend over.

The bus drove to its destination in silence.

The teacher sitting in the front row got out of the car first and called the students to get down.

"Are you the teachers and classmates from Hanyang High School?" A warm and clear voice sounded, the young man's voice was sweet and soothing, the texture was like ice splashing jade, crisp and shattered.

"Brother Li, look quickly," Qi Yan lowered his voice and excitedly reminded, "Cuiying Guigao's school grass Yun Ji, I heard that Cuiying Guigao is very popular in Cuiying Guigao."

While talking, Qi Yan was also a little depressed: "The girls in our school don't know what to do. I'm so handsome, and I don't see anyone commenting on a school girl or something."

Amidst the boy's thoughts, the boy casually raised his eyes and looked forward.

The obsidian stud earrings reflect fine and bright rays of light, slightly dazzling people's eyes.

Sui Li's eyes were slightly startled.

The young man standing not far away was tall and thin, with beautiful and warm eyebrows, and light black pupils wrapped in the coolness of spring water, which melted away.

He was smiling and talking to the teacher in Hanyang, and soon turned his head to look this way.

For some reason, Sui Li was a little nervous.

[Di, Sui Li's current favorability value: [-]]
The system prompt sounded, Ji Ge was not surprised, and walked towards the students in Hanyang.

"Hello," the young man's lips curled up gently and delicately, with a warm attitude: "I am Yun Ji, the president of the student union of Cuiying Noble High School, and the principal specifically asked us to guide you through the formalities."

The teacher from Hanyang stepped forward, said a few words, then said goodbye aloud, and went back by car.

In a blink of an eye, only the members of the student union and the exchange students from Hanyang were left at the school gate.

Ji Ge raised his chin at the members of the student union behind him, motioning them to come forward, and take away the person in charge according to the previous agreement.

The young man stood in front of Sui Li, and asked with a smile on his face, "Are you Sui Li and Qi Yan's classmates?"

Sui Li pursed his lower lip slightly, not knowing what to say, and remained silent.

Compared with his formality, Qi Yan is much more familiar with himself. He stepped forward and patted Ji Ge on the shoulder: "I'm Qi Yan, just call me by my name, can I call you Yun Ji?" ?”

Ji Ge warmly responded: "Yes."

Qi Yan coughed: "Then, Yunji, when shall we go to class?"

"I'll take you to the office first to get your school uniform and apply for a campus card." Ji Ge looked down at his watch: "Are you in a hurry?"

"No, no," Qi Yan shook his head: "Just follow the arrangement."

"Alright then," Ji Ge walked in front, tilting his head and said, "Come with me."

Qi Yan quickly followed, proudly casting a begging look at Sui Li.

See if he is very witty, knowing that Brother Li doesn't like contact with strangers, he successfully prevented him from talking with Yun Ji.

However, Qi Yan only saw the young man ruthlessly ignoring his existence, quickened his steps, and quickly distanced himself from him.

Qi Yan, who was disliked for no reason, touched his face, not knowing why.

What's the matter? !
After finishing all the formalities, Ji Ge led Sui Li and Qi Yan to the classroom.

Qi Yan is not in the same class as Sui Li, but in the next class.

For this reason, Qi Yan can be said to be extremely dissatisfied.

What if Brother Li is abducted by the students of Cuiying Noble High School while he is not paying attention? You must know that Brother Li is a piece of Tang monk meat, the kind that everyone wants to eat.

Qi Yan thought nervously.

Tang Sengrou himself didn't know what Qi Yan was thinking. He was sitting on his seat at this moment, watching Ji Ge sort out the books for him.

"Where is the progress of your previous review?" Ji Ge arranged the books in order of size: "The teacher in our class lectures faster, are you not used to it, student Sui Li?"

The tone is gentle and slow.

The usually indifferent young man was at a loss for a rare moment, and the starlight flickered in his eyes. He shook his head and replied in a low voice: "No."

Suddenly such a good-looking boy came to the class, all the girls in the class didn't pay attention to the lecture, and their eyes drifted to the back of the classroom.

The gentle and beautiful young man smiled, like a bowl of lotus in full bloom, Sui Li heard Ji Ge softly said: "I'm afraid you won't get used to it, so I'll trouble you to sit with me for the time being."

With sparkling eyes, it seemed as if he was going to drag someone into the sea: "Student Sui Li, is it okay?"

 Six more

  It can be regarded as an addition of [-] recommended tickets, and there are some cards written, so it is a little late


(End of this chapter)

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