Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 293 I Heard You Are Secretly in Love with Me

Chapter 293 I Heard You Are Secretly in Love with Me (7)

Ji Ge gave birth to a pair of beautiful eyes.

Sui Li knew this from the first time he saw Ji Ge.

But the boy didn't know at the time how bewitching these eyes are when they focus on people.

Now he knows.

The boy's eyes are standard Danfeng eyes, with narrow and long eye tails and slightly raised eyes, but the pupils are large and full, like light and transparent glass beads, the dark brown color catches the warm and cool spring water, and the ripples spread out. When hugging someone, it always gives people an illusion of being cherished.

Sui Li's heart skipped a beat and he shook his head slightly.

[Sui Li's current favorability value: [-]]
Silent song:? !

The girl touched her short hair hesitantly.

Because she is still a boy in the eyes of others, Ji Ge originally wanted to find an opportunity to confess her true gender to Sui Li in order to make the strategy easier.

But now it seems that Sui Li seems to prefer boys.

Ji Song: Got it.

She immediately dismissed the idea of ​​confessing.

The whole morning passed quickly, because Sui Li was not familiar with Cuiying Noble High School, so Ji Ge led him to the cafeteria.

Qi Yan waited at the door of the classroom and then stalked and followed the two of them.

Ji Ge didn't care, and smiled at Qi Yan very friendly.

It was the look in his brother Li's eyes that made Qi Yan feel a little cold on the back of his neck.

"Ah Ji." Just as Ji Ge sat down, he heard Su Huan's voice not far away.

Ji Ge looked along the source of the sound, and immediately saw Su Huan who was waving desperately at her and smiling like a silly roe deer.

And Lu Ze and Ruan Zhimian beside him.

The girl raised her eyebrows.

Su Huan came over with the dinner plate, sat down opposite Ji Ge, and complained, "Ah Ji, why didn't you wait for me and Ah Ze after school?"

Ji Ge smiled, and skillfully followed his words to comfort him: "Okay, it's my fault, I'm sorry."

"Forgive you," Su Huan coaxed very much, and was easily perfunctory by Ji Ge. The docile boy who was stroked by his hair looked at Sui Li and greeted warmly: "Hello, my name is Su Huan, yes Ah Ji's friend."

Hearing this sentence, the boy with a cold expression raised his eyelashes and glanced at him lightly.

His beauty is too outstanding, a pair of lavender eyes with a magnificent sea of ​​stars, beautiful and soul-stirring, even Su Huan, who is of the same sex, couldn't help being stunned by this, turning his head to look at Ji Ge: "Ah Ji , it seems that your school grass name will be snatched away by your new classmates."

"That's not right," the boy slightly bent his lips: "It saves a lot of trouble."

Just a few people chatting for a while, Lu Ze and Ruan Zhimian also finished their meal and sat down at the empty seat at this table.

"Speaking of which," Su Huan suddenly remembered something: "Aji should have been a student of Hanyang."

"Then why doesn't Yunji go to Hanyang High School?" Qi Yan, who was eating melons, asked curiously.

After all, even though the teaching resources of Cuiying Noble High School are almost the same as those of Hanyang High School, the learning atmosphere there is far from that of Cuiying Noble High School, and ordinary students will choose Hanyang.

Su Huan recalled: "It seems that because Ah Ze didn't have enough points at that time, Ah Ji chose Cuiyingguigao in order to go to the same school as Ah Ze."

"Right, Aji?"

"Not all of them." Ji Ge responded gently.

Ji Ge did not lie, partly because of Lu Ze, but more importantly because most of the children from the upper class in H City are studying at Cuiying Noble High School.


  Because Haw is now the image of a boy, the adjectives are a bit confusing. Sometimes it is a boy and sometimes it is a girl. It is not a mistake for the little angels to understand.
  The previous chapter was blocked and has not been released yet.

  Today, a little angel asked about pre-receipt, because something went wrong in the background, and the voice answered two or three times, but the upload was not successful, so the author will restore it here

  For the pre-acquisition, the author has not yet decided which genre to write, whether it is a collection of bloody male protagonists blackening Shura occasions or a sweet article about probation strategies that can be easily cured. The introduction is only the first version, and it will definitely be revised in the future.

  Shu Shuzi's book and Jiji's book are linked, and she will most likely appear in the later stage, so when will that book be opened depends on when this book is finished

  Also, the hero of Shu Shuzi's book is not Shen Xue, so don't make a mistake with CP.

  Regarding the book friend group, because the author is busy with exam review and has no time to manage it, so I will not do it for now. After I finish my work, I may open a book friend group for this book. The author has never done it before, and I will ask the editor later.

(End of this chapter)

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