Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 303 I Heard You Are Secretly in Love with Me

Chapter 303 I Heard You Are Secretly in Love with Me (17)

Ji Ge and Sui Li went back to the classroom together.

The teacher is always more tolerant towards the students with good grades. After asking about the situation briefly, he let the two of them go back to their seats.

A class passed quickly.

Su Huan turned his head and asked curiously, "What are you two doing?"

"Nothing." Ji Ge smiled, perfunctory: "I went to the student union, don't you know?"

Su Huan clicked his tongue and condemned Ji Ge's immorality: "It's still hidden from me."

The boy winked: "Did you know that the news that the elementary school girl successfully confessed to you has already been sent to the class group?"

Mentioning this matter, Ji Ge subconsciously looked up at Sui Li.

The boy's side face was soaked in the soft light, his brows and eyes were cold, and his expression was unclear.

Yunji's peach blossoms have always been strong, she has a gentle personality, even if she refuses, she will be concerned about the girl's face.

It's not like Lu Ze's stick, who refused to confess love letters and gifts from girls three times in a row, and didn't know how to save face for girls, so although there are many people who like Lu Ze in school, there are very few people who confess to him.

I'm afraid that this guy will make me unable to come to Taiwan in public.

"False news," Ji Ge said without changing his face, "I rejected her."

Su Huan was not surprised: "I just said it was fake, but that guy Lu Ze even made a bad face in class."

Lu Ze's name caught his ears, and Ji Ge's eyelashes trembled slightly.

"Yunji," just at this moment, the literary and art committee member came over, holding a pen and a registration book in his hand: "The campus cultural festival is about to begin, and the students in the class are going to rehearse a play, do you want to participate?"


Ji Ge remembered this plot.

The Campus Cultural Festival is a traditional repertory program of Cuiying Noble High School. The scale is quite large, and each class needs to produce a program. This year, Class [-] of Senior Three chose a drama performance.
Based on the famous Trojan War in history, they referred to the famous drama "Dinner" by Kabanellis, the most famous contemporary Greek playwright, and created their own script "Troy".

In the original plot, the original owner happened to win the role of Queen Helen of Greece.

Lu Ze's character was Paris, Prince of Troy.

This pair is recognized as CP, and Yun Ji was secretly happy for several days because of this incident.

Even if it's just acting, she can finally stand upright with the boy she likes.

But that day, the heroine was locked in the utility room by a girl who hated her, and Lu couldn't find her everywhere, and finally resolutely gave up on the stage.

This is an important plot point where the relationship between the hero and heroine warms up. For Ruan Zhimian, she saw Lu Ze's sincerity, and her heart gradually loosened.

As for Yun Ji, the role of Paris was hastily added, and the program that Class [-] of Senior Three had carefully prepared for a long time was ruined. She stood alone on the stage, reading all the lines like a puppet, like a joke .

After recalling the original plot, Ji Ge refused without even thinking about it, but the literary and art committee was one step ahead of her and said, "You didn't participate in last year's performance, and it's the last year. If you don't participate, it will be unreasonable."

Ji Song is silent.

Last year, the class prepared a big chorus, but the original host was incomplete, so he didn't make a fool of himself on stage.

"Hey, Ah Ji, let's go." Su Huan urged: "Ah Ze, I will go too. When the time comes, the three of us will perform on stage together, wouldn't it be good?"

The campus cultural festival is considered the last recreational activity that senior high school students can participate in, so Ji Ge thought about it for a while, and agreed: "Okay."

The literary and art committee wrote Ji Ge's name in the registration book, went to see Sui Li again, blushed slightly at the young man's exquisite face, and asked softly, "Student Sui Li, do you want to participate? "

The young man rested his fingertips on the snow-white pages, his slender and thick eyelashes were half down, slightly covering his penetrating and beautiful pupils, his bright red lips were slightly pursed, his appearance was noble and cold.

Just when the literary and art committee was ready to be rejected, the young man didn't know what to think of, turned his face to look at Ji Ge, the starlight in his eyes shone, and he responded lightly.

 I checked the information on the battle of Troy, so I am late.

  Referenced part of Baidu, but it is not accurate, so the little angel does not need to delve into it
(End of this chapter)

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