Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 304 I Heard You Are Secretly in Love with Me

Chapter 304 I Heard You Are Secretly in Love with Me (18)

In the last self-study class of the day, all those who participated in the drama performance were called to the empty classroom in the next building to assign roles.

For the sake of fairness, roles are determined by lottery.

Ji Ge twitched casually, and took a look at the ball of paper.


His luck was the best in the game, and Helen was the number one beauty in Greece.

As expected, Lu still drew Paris, Helen's official match.

Ji Ge clicked his tongue, a little curious about what Sui Li got, and leaned over to see: "Sui Li, what character did you get?"

The note was held between his fair and slender fingers, the young man raised his head slightly, his light pupils casually glanced at Ji Ge, revealing a bit of displeasure.

Ji Ge was at a loss, what happened?
At this time, Ji Ge saw the five words on the note clearly.

— King of Greece, Menelaus.

Helen's husband in name, the unlucky guy known all over Greece who was cuckolded.

Ji Ge suffocated for a while.

The lottery result was too unfriendly to her.

"Okay," the literary and art committee saw that the characters had been drawn, clapped their hands for everyone to read, and handed out the written scripts to everyone one by one: "Everyone, remember to memorize the lines."

"Understood." Just after the lottery was over, everyone's emotions were at their peak, and the noise was almost transmitted through the windows to the outside of the teaching building.

In front of the teaching building, Ruan Zhimian, who happened to pass by, seemed to notice something, and subconsciously raised her head to glance up, then lowered her eyes.

Ruan Zhimian knew from the very beginning that she was different from her classmates. They were born with gold spoons in their mouths, their lives went smoothly and they didn't need to run around for a living, but she had nothing and could only fight for everything by herself.

Ruan Zhimian is not jealous of them, but occasionally when she sees the excitement that has nothing to do with her, she will be a little envious.

It would be great if... I was like them, with such a rich family background and a family who loved me.

Ruan Zhimian shook her head, shaking off this thought.

She walked to the dessert shop not far from Cuiying Noble High School, greeted the clerk sitting on duty with a smile, and went to the back room to change into work clothes, ready to go to work.

Although Cuiying Noble High School exempted her from tuition fees and provided a certain amount of living expenses on time, it was still not enough for Ruan Zhimian, whose grandmother was burdened by illness, so she could only do odd jobs to earn money.

Lu Ze gave her the card very proudly, but Ruan Zhimian confiscated it.

- Never pin your hopes on others.

Ruan Zhimian silently thought while packing for the customer, the mother she had never met since she was born was a classic case.

The salary of this dessert shop is not the highest, but it allows her to come to work every day after school, which is why Ruan Zhimian chooses it now.

She is still a high school student, and she is under a lot of pressure from her studies, so she can't spare more time to make money.

"Xiao Ruan," the afterglow of the setting sun disappeared into the sky, and the lights suddenly came on. After finishing this wave of work, the clerk stretched, winked at her, and said mysteriously: "Later, the distinguished guests of our shop are coming soon. , you have to be ready."

"?" Ruan Zhimian didn't understand what he meant, and looked at the clerk blankly.

"I heard that the man is the president of a big company, because the girl he likes loves the tiramisu in this store, so he will come here every month to buy the desserts here," the clerk explained: "The customer shot It’s very generous, and it’s almost worth our performance for several days every time.”

(End of this chapter)

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