Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 348 Cat Cat Please Chapter Answer

Chapter 348 Cat Cat Please Answer (4)

Ji Ge responded with a smile, turned his head to look at the things piled up at the door, raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows, feeling regret for a few seconds for his impulsive consumption.

It's just that when Ji Ge thought of the cat still in his arms, he felt it was worth it: "... Aunt Zhou, help me move these things."

Aunt Zhou nodded and came out to help. She was a little surprised to see the pile of things under Ji Ge's feet: "So many."

Cat climbing frame, cat litter box, cat food, cat litter...all things for cats.

Aunt Zhou glanced at the snow-white cat that Ji Ge was holding, and was momentarily surprised.

Aunt Zhou remembered that Sheng Jige had always disliked pets, especially long-haired animals. She thought it was troublesome, but now she brought a cat back.

But she likes good-looking people or things, and this cat is indeed good-looking.

The movement of moving up and down was not small, and Sheng Qianying's mother, Su Wanluo, was also disturbed from the room.

The woman was lazily leaning on the stairs on the second floor, exuding the extravagant style of a lady all over her body: "Aunt Zhou, this is..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Ji Ge standing in the corridor, she was stunned for a moment, and a bright smile suddenly appeared on her face: "It's Ji Ge, I'm finally back, have you lost weight after so many days outside—"

Su Wanluo turned her eyes and landed on the cat in Ji Ge's arms, and her smile became more concerned: "Where did you buy the cat? It's so beautiful, let Auntie have a look."

"Don't touch." The slender fingers slowly blocked Su Wanluo's movement, the girl pursed her lips, her face was cold and indifferent, she clearly said she refused, and her voice was soft: "My things, don't touch them."

The atmosphere froze, and a wordless embarrassment filled the air.

Su Wanluo forced a smile on her face and moved her lips: "Ji Ge..."

Ji Ge didn't even give her a look, and waited patiently on the spot.

After a while, Aunt Zhou who had placed the pile of things brought back by Ji Ge walked out of the room, and was startled when she saw the scene at the door.

Ji Ge lowered his eyebrows: "Aunt Zhou, are things ready?"

Aunt Zhou nodded and wiped her hands on the hem of her clothes: "Put it away."

Ji Ge walked in with the cat in his arms, keeping his eyes on the whole time.

The door is closed, isolating a small quiet space.

Ji Ge looked at the clean room with satisfaction, put the cat on the ground, squatted in front of it, rubbed the kitten's head, and said to himself: "I'm going to give you a name."

Amber cat pupils stared at her quietly, the cat tilted its head, looking soft and cute.

Ji Ge covered his heart, expressing that he was intrigued by its movements.

The girl thought about it seriously for a while: "You look so round, so let's call it Fatty."


Rarely woke up, the system that was paying close attention to this scene was stunned, unable to bear to look directly at it.

And the cat blew up.

The kitten raised its paw and pushed away Ji Ge's fingers in resistance, refusing her to get close, expressing its dislike of the name straightforwardly with its movements.

Ji Ge conveniently pinched its flesh pads, the plum blossom-like small and delicate flesh pads were slightly pink, soft to the touch: "Don't you like this name?"

Ji Ge was a little distressed. As a bad namer, she really couldn't think of any good names: "That Yuanyuan, Mimi..."

A series of names were rejected by Shang Heng. If it wasn't because he was in the form of a cat now, Ji Ge estimated that he might be so angry that he would fight with himself.

Ji Ge, who didn't want to be scratched by the cat, finally chose to give up, not wanting to use his brain again: "Then call me Maomao."

As the saying goes, if there is no comparison, there is no harm. This ordinary name is much better than the previous string of names, so Shang Heng did not refuse any more. The little head nodded reservedly, expressing agreement .

 Silent · Abandoned name · No literary and artistic cells · Song
  Probably the outline is done, so it shouldn't be so stuck.

(End of this chapter)

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