Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 349 Cat Cat Please Chapter Answer

Chapter 349 Cat Cat Please Answer (5)

After so many days, it can be said that the Sheng family's dining table was fully seated for the first time.

The sound of bowls and chopsticks colliding was very slight and not obvious.

"Ji Ge," Sheng's father was the first to break the silence: "Tomorrow you and Qian Ying will go to school together."

As if thinking of some not-so-good memories, the man sighed and emphasized emphatically: "Remember to be obedient at school, and don't always bully Qianying."

Ji Ge raised his eyebrows, and before he could speak, Su Wanluo took over the conversation with a smile, and said angrily, "What you said, Ji Ge is such an incompetent older sister who only bullies younger sisters."

As soon as Su Wanluo opened his mouth, Father Sheng immediately softened his tone, his eyebrows and eyes softened: "I'm not worried that Ji Ge will be spoiled, Qianying has a soft personality, and if they have a dispute, Qianying will easily suffer."

Hearing her own name, Sheng Qianying subconsciously raised her head to look at Ji Ge with an unclear expression, opened her mouth, but finally said nothing, biting her lips in bewilderment.

Ji Ge snorted lightly, and said bluntly: "I don't recognize this younger sister."

The girl was merciless, and interrupted Sheng's father and Su Wanluo's affectionate gaze: "If you want to recognize one more daughter, just recognize it, and don't get involved with me."

"Ji Song!" Father Sheng became angry immediately.

Ji Ge didn't intend to destroy the original owner's character design, got up slowly, turned around and left without looking back: "I've finished eating, you continue."

If she interrupted her like this, no one would be able to eat it.

The meal ended badly again.

While persuading Father Sheng not to be angry with Ji Ge, Su Wanluo lowered her head, and the suspicion in her eyes quietly disappeared.

Ji Ge returned to the room, thoughtful.

She had a guess in her mind.

Although Sheng's father is over forty years old, he is well maintained. He looks like he is only in his early thirties, which is the most attractive age for a man. In addition, he has an outstanding appearance, and his temperament has been precipitated by more than ten years of experience. He has become mature and steady, and the young girl who likes him is like a field of leeks, and there is no end to cutting one after another, but he doesn't like anyone, just as he promised to the original owner before, he has always been celibate.

But without any warning, he suddenly announced that he would marry Su Wanluo.

This change was rather abrupt.

Su Wanluo's appearance can be regarded as delicate and beautiful, but she is completely inferior to the original owner's mother. She has an average education background, and her conversation temperament is not particularly outstanding. Such a woman who can catch a lot of people in the crowd can make people experience countless things. Did the beauty's grand father fall in love at first sight, even ignoring the opinions of his biological daughter who had been doting on her for more than ten years? !
Of course, this does not rule out the possibility of true love, but Ji Ge thought of another possibility that has no evidence yet.

If Su Wanluo borrowed the power of a monster, what method did she use to charm Sheng's father?
Ji Ge blinked his eyes, temporarily suppressing his doubts in his heart.

The night is getting darker.

The girl lying on the bed slept deeply, her long hair was scattered on the pillow, winding out soft and fluffy arcs, like a bend of red algae floating in the shallow sea, making her face whiter and more delicate.

The nocturnal kitten slowly climbed out of the cat's nest, the snow-white color was faintly visible in the room where the moonlight flowed, and the pair of pupils were still bright in the dim light.

A few seconds later, the cat disappeared without a trace, and a slender and tall figure appeared on the spot.

The beautiful boy with black hair and amber eyes walked to the bed and bent slightly.

A strange breath invaded.

Ji Ge seemed to have noticed something, struggling to wake up.

A long, white finger gently pressed on her forehead, and after a while, the girl's slightly frowning brows relaxed, and she fell asleep peacefully again.

"It's so strange." Shang Heng watched Ji Ge silently for a while, then stood up, and murmured.

This was the first time he wanted to get close to a human being.

It's a weird feeling, but not annoying.

Shang Heng pursed her lips, and the look in Hu Po's pupils was slightly dazed and confused.

(End of this chapter)

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