Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 375 Cat Cat Please Chapter Answer

Chapter 375 Cat Cat Please Answer (31)

"Maomao?" Ji Ge didn't know why Shang Heng lost his temper suddenly, so he stood up and called out in doubt.

Shang Heng still did not move, lying quietly on his stomach.

Ji Ge frowned slightly, went to turn on the light in the dark, the girl walked to the small nest, squatted down to look at it: "Why are you suddenly unhappy?"

The small snow-white group shrank completely, turned its face away, and swept the ground wearily with its long tail, the whole cat looked listless.

Jige couldn't figure out what it was thinking, and took a look at the favorability value that was turned off because it was annoying before.

It shows that Shang Heng's current favorability value is 65.

Then, under Ji Ge's gaze, the number slowly decreased, 64, 63, 62...

Finally stopped at the value of 55.

Silent song:? !

What the hell?

Why is Shang Heng's mood so fickle, why did he suddenly start to decline without any warning.

Ji Song suffocated.

She was silent for a while.

But it was too late, and Ji Ge was so sleepy that he could barely open his eyes, his head was full of sleep, and he really didn't have the energy to deal with the current situation, so he could only temporarily put Shang Heng's emotional problems aside,
"Maomao?" Before leaving, Ji Ge resolutely called Shang Heng's name, and the kitten, who was trying to coax her, turned her head.

But Shangheng was as stable as Mount Tai throughout the whole process, and didn't even move.

Jige had no choice but to give up with regret.

The night was getting dark and the room was dimly lit.

The girl on the bed was already sound asleep.

After a long time, a slender and tall figure suddenly appeared at the window.

The soft short hair slightly covered the beautiful eyebrows and eyes, and the young man who was as delicate and beautiful as a doll walked to the bed.

He silently stared at the face not far away from him, before bending down slightly after a long time.

Perhaps it was because she felt the familiar aura, the girl did not wake up, and fell into a deep sleep unconsciously.

A bit of confusion appeared in the boy's cat pupils, he bit his thin and bright red lips slightly, and stared blankly at the person in front of him.

The fluffy long hair is spread on the side of the girl's face, which makes her face extraordinarily small and delicate. In the night, the girl's beautiful facial features can be vaguely seen, the skin is fair and clear, the red lips are slightly parted, and the sound of breathing is soft. Very clear in a quiet room.

The 17-year-old girl has just grown up, and the childishness of the underage and the brilliance of the adult are just rightly blended together, forming a temperament that is both green and charming.

out of control.

Shang Heng thought calmly.

Ji Ge is obviously just his owner, she is just a human being, and for a human being her age, falling in love is a very normal thing.

But when I think of Ji Ge falling in love with others, getting close to others, acting like a baby to a strange man like smiling at him...

The boy slowly lowered his eyes.

He couldn't accept this possibility.

Even if it was just a hypothesis, it made him feel unacceptable.

Unfamiliar and intense emotions surged rampantly in his heart, clamoring without a clue, Shang Heng's emotions had always been indifferent, and he seldom had such big emotional fluctuations.

So when the young man felt this feeling, his first reaction was to run away from Ji Ge.

However, Shang Heng did not move.

The snow-white slender fingers curled up slightly, the young man raised his hand, and stopped hesitatingly halfway, letting that beautiful hand stand still in the air.

After a long while, the boy's fingers restrainedly stopped on Ji Ge's soft black hair, smoothed her long hair, and accidentally touched the girl's face with his fingertips.

He paused.

There was a warm touch on the fingertips, obviously it was just a simple touch, Ji Ge even kissed him several times, they had many times more intimate contact than this.

However, he still looked away hastily.

His lips pursed quietly.


The author has something to say: There is only one update today, because of a hand injury, and there will be exams in the next two days, so I don’t have time to code words. Let’s see if I can write more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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