Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 376 Cat Cat Please Chapter Answer

Chapter 376 Cat Cat Please Answer (32)

The next day, Ji Ge woke up sleepy.

It was found that the kitten was still nestled in the den, and seemed to be still sleeping.

I don't know if I'm still angry?
Ji Ge lazily thought, she got up and went to the bathroom to wash up, tidied herself up and came out, the elastic band on the girl's wrist was loosely tied, and she neatly used it to tie a ponytail, her black hair lazily swept across her fair skin.

"Maomao." Ji Ge bent down, trying to hug Shang Heng, but the kitten stretched out its paws to her hand, obviously not wanting to go to school with her, with a sleepy look.

Ji Ge clicked his tongue lightly, without forcing: "Okay, then you stay at home alone today and wait for me to come back."

When eating with Sang Yue and the others at noon, Ji Ge brought up this topic with some doubts, and said distressedly: "I don't know what's wrong, Mao Mao has been losing my temper with me since yesterday."

"?" Du Qiqi raised her face from the dinner plate: "Cousin, did you hug another cat and it smelled it?"

Du Qiqi added: "Cats are very possessive."

Jige said firmly: "Absolutely not."

"How can you doubt my sincerity towards Maomao?" Ji Ge sighed quietly.

Facing Ji Ge, who suddenly became a showman, Du Qiqi was silent for a while, and said sincerely: "Cousin, I just said that you went outside to pick up other cats, and it's not that you went to find other wild men, but there's no need to be so .”

Sang Yue couldn't help laughing.

"Maybe it's Sichun," Sang Yue suggested softly, "Ji Ge, do you want to take it for sterilization?"

"Sterilization, but it's summer, not spring." Ji Ge blinked and thought about this possibility seriously: "It seems...it's okay."

Ming Sha, who was listening to their chat while eating, was choked all of a sudden, the girl coughed violently for a while, and quickly stopped this dangerous thought: "Don't."

If Ji Ge wants to take Heng to be sterilized...

Ming Sha imagined that terrible scene and shuddered.

"Huh?" Du Qiqi turned her head to look at Ming Sha, feeling that her reaction was even more intense than Ji Ge's master, she wondered in her heart, "Why?"

"Cats tend to hold grudges." Ming Sha found a reason that sounded acceptable: "If classmate Sheng takes it to be neutered, it probably won't get close to you anymore."

Ji Ge was just talking about it for fun, so naturally he would not actually do it. He raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and he didn't know if he was persuaded by Ming Sha's words.

The store door was pushed open.

"Welcome," the clerk was busy, and raised his head casually. When he saw who was coming, he was stunned: "...My lord, why are you here?"

The boy with black hair who entered the door had a pair of amber cat eyes that were cold and shining, his skin was snow-white, his appearance was impeccably exquisite, and his figure was slender and tall. Standing there, he looked like a natural luminous body, attracting the eyes of others involuntarily.

The clerk looked around and found that there was no one in the store, so he simply went outside and put up a closed sign, closed the door, and continued to ask: "You are coming back now, what's the matter?"

The boy did not answer.

Shang Heng's brows and eyes showed obvious confusion, he was quiet for a while, and then slowly said: "Xuan Zhi, I don't understand some questions, so I want to ask you."

"What's the problem?" Xuan Zhi saw Shang Heng like this for the first time, and he paused when he saw this, feeling extremely shocked.

Shang Heng deliberately concealed Ji Ge's name, and condensed their story countless times: "...I don't want her to be with others."

The young man spread his hands, silently facing his despicable and most unspeakable secret thoughts.

A few rays of light refracted into the boy's crystal clear cat pupils, and the tiny shimmers flickered. He whispered, "Is there something wrong with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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