Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 379 Cat Cat Please Chapter Answer

Chapter 379 Cat Cat Please Answer (35)

The worst thing was not that Ji Ge was filmed by Shang Heng, but that after the filming was over, she had to coax the cat whose fur had exploded.

Ji Ge sighed deeply, and reminded himself again, don't be tempted to tease Shang Heng next time.

The kitten stayed in the nest until night, and when Ji Ge turned off the lights to go to sleep, it ran back consciously, and found a comfortable place to sleep in Ji Ge's arms with peace of mind.

Faced with Shang Heng's sudden closeness, Ji Ge thought about why he changed his sex all of a sudden at first, but he couldn't think of any reason, so he simply gave up thinking about it, yawned, and fell into a deep sleep.

At the end of June, the final exams came as scheduled.

After Ji Ge finished the exam, she felt that her grades were not bad, so she returned to the classroom leisurely.

After the results came out, Ji Ge took the first place in the grade again.

What makes Ji Ge feel a little puzzling is that Sheng Qianying's grades have always been stable, but this time her grades have dropped drastically, and she even fell out of the top ten in her grade.

Seeing that Ji Ge was not as affectionate as before, Sheng Qianying lowered her head and hurriedly called her sister before leaving.

After all, he is not an important person. Ji Ge felt that the relationship between himself and the heroine was not good enough to care about everything, so he didn't care about it in his heart, and ignored it lightly.

The relationship between the two has inexplicably faded.

The tradition in S is to organize a grade trip after the final exam, but this time the location is the seaside, a total of two days and two nights.

Ji Ge was deeply impressed by this trip, because the original owner was implicated by the heroine during this trip, his appearance was destroyed, and finally killed by the hero.

Speaking of Yeqi, Ji Ge felt that he was very strange recently.

The heroine seldom brings the hero out now. Ji Ge once asked the reason out of curiosity, and the result was that Yeqi was injured and needed to recuperate.

And the time of his injury was also very subtle, it happened to be the day of Mr. Du's birthday party.

Ji Ge confirmed almost instantly that the person who did it was Shang Heng.

The male protagonist is doing his own death, insisting on provoking Shang Heng, Ji Ge has no sympathy for him, and secretly hopes that Ye Qi's injury will be as serious as possible.

The hotel was uniformly arranged by the school, a room for several people, Ji Ge took Shang Heng with him, and it was inconvenient to live with other people, so he applied to the school and lived in a room by himself.

Just as Ji Ge put away his things, there was a knock on the door, and Ming Sha's voice sounded: "Ji Ge, have you packed it?"

Ji Ge stood up straight, walked over and opened the door: "Yes."

Although the rabbit demon is dead, Ming Sha did not leave S. Ji Ge noticed that she seemed to care too much about Shang Heng, so she had a guess in her heart, guessing that it might be that the Monster Management Bureau was worried about Shang Heng. The big demon stayed here alone, afraid that it would make some big mistakes if left unattended.

And Ming Sha should be the one who was left behind to monitor Shang Heng.

Sang Yue smiled at her, her tone was soft: "Ji Ge, do you want to go to the beach together?"

"Okay, wait for me." Ji Ge returned to the room, put the kitten into the satchel, and hurried out: "It's ok."

Ming Sha's eyes glanced at the small satchel on Ji Ge's waist calmly: "Then let's go."

The place selected in S is local and not very famous, so even in the peak tourist season, there are not many people on the beach.

The white sand under the feet is fine and soft, revealing the temperature of midsummer, and the sunlight pours down unreservedly, dazzling the light.

 Yes, this plane is almost over
  The rest is not too long, there are still a few small plot points
(End of this chapter)

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