Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 380 Cat Cat Please Chapter Answer

Chapter 380 Cat Cat Please Answer (36)

Although it is not a well-known scenic spot, the scenery by the sea is very good.

The cascading sea water overflows the sandy beach, reflecting crystal clear waves.

It was also a coincidence that Ji Ge and his party ran into Qi Ye within a few steps.

The boy was walking aimlessly by the seaside, and when he saw Ji Ge walking towards him, he was taken aback and smiled gently: "What a coincidence."

Ming Sha secretly raised her eyes, and her eyes with special meaning turned around Ji Ge and Qi Ye.

"What a coincidence." Ji Ge didn't think much of it, and greeted Qi Ye with bent eyes: "Are you coming here too?"

"En." Qi Ye nodded slightly, and turned his head to greet Sang Yue and Ming Sha who were beside him one by one.

After a few words, they bid farewell politely and parted ways.

After Qi Ye's figure disappeared from sight, Ming Sha tugged on Ji Ge's sleeve, and asked in a low voice: "Ji Ge, do you think Qi Ye is interested in you?"

"Is there?" Ji Ge raised his eyebrows and asked back.

"Of course." Ming Sha, who loves to eat melons by nature, said passionately: "The first reaction when someone walks over is to say hello to you. If there is no situation, I don't believe it at all."

"You are so observant." Ji Ge boasted without distraction, with a perfunctory tone.

Ming Sha proudly puffed her chest out: "Of course."

"Ji Ge, why don't you think about Qi Ye," Ming Sha enthusiastically suggested, "After all, Qi Ye looks pretty good."

Before she finished speaking, Ming Sha felt a cold and hostile gaze falling on her, she subconsciously turned her head, met Shang Heng's eyes, and quickly shut up.

Feeling that she seemed to have made some terrible mistake unknowingly, Mingsha secretly glanced at the kitten lazily lying in Jige's arms, cleared her throat, and tried her best to save the kitten that was jumping on the verge of death. Da's self, righteous words: "Actually, I don't think Qi Ye and Ji Ge are a good match at all."

In this regard, Ji Ge chuckled and agreed: "I think so too."

Sang Yue seemed to have noticed something, glanced at Ming Sha, then at Shang Heng who behaved like an ordinary pet cat, smoothed things over and said: "It's too early to talk about this kind of thing now, it's almost time for dinner, let's go back to eat. "

Mingsha wished to go back sooner, so she quickly agreed.

Jige didn't have any objections, so the group reached a consensus on the decision to go back to the hotel.

Halfway, Ming Sha still couldn't hold back her curiosity, and quietly asked Ji Ge: "Ji Ge, do you really not like Qi Ye?"

Ji Ge tightened his arms, lowered his head to meet the light and beautiful pupils of the kitten, and smiled: "He is not my type."

"Then Ji Ge, what type of boy do you like?" Ming Sha asked gossip.

"Be good," Ji Ge thought for a while, and added bitterly: "It's best to be consistent with the outside, and not to look good but actually not at all."

"The behavior of pretending to be cute is really shameless." Ji Ge recalled his experience of overturning on several planes, and he couldn't help but get angry.

Mingsha trembled, silently suppressing the thoughts in her heart, muttering to herself.

Why does it feel like Ji Ge is pointing at Sang and scolding Huai?

Must be an illusion.

There is a buffet on the first floor of the hotel. Considering that the students are tired after sitting in the bus for hours, the school does not arrange any activities.

After eating, Ji Ge, who was tired from traveling and traveling, didn't have the idea of ​​going out for a walk, so he ruthlessly rejected Ming Sha's idea of ​​going out to continue shopping after eating, and went back to her room.

(End of this chapter)

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