Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 384 Cat Cat Please Chapter Answer

Chapter 384 Cat Cat Please Answer (40)

It's the male lead Ye Qi.

The Leopard Demon didn't expect Ye Qi to come so quickly. Looking at the handsome and indifferent man not far away, a strong hostility flashed across his brows and eyes, and then he smiled happily.

Ye Qi's eagerness shows that that human being is very important to him.

That's more interesting.

The leopard demon reached out unexpectedly and grabbed Ji Ge and Sheng Qianying.

Ji Ge's reaction was quick, and he stepped back hurriedly, opening the distance between him and the leopard monster all of a sudden, allowing the leopard monster to knock him down in the air.

Sheng Qianying, who was unprepared, fell into the hands of the leopard demon.

The leopard demon's claws strangled the girl's slender and fragile neck, and it would break with just a slight force, ending Sheng Qianying's life.

The leopard demon dragged Sheng Qianying to his side, and at the same time looked at Ji Ge who had escaped from him with some surprise, and frowned slightly.

However, he could feel that Jige was just a harmless human being, so he didn't care. If he was lucky enough to escape once, he didn't believe that Jige could escape a second time.

But now, the most important thing is to kill the human being that Yeqi cares about.

Both of them were tainted with a bit of Yeqi's evil spirit, and the leopard demon didn't know who they were, so they planned to cheat Yeqi.

If you really can't tell the difference, then kill them all.

For a monster like Leopard Demon who is used to seeing blood, killing is something that makes them tremble with excitement.

They are born with a thirst for blood and have an almost blind pursuit of power.

Killing people is the fastest way for monsters to increase their strength.

So in a sense, the leopard demon is actually very similar to the previous wolf demon.

The leopard demon exerted a little force, and Sheng Qianying couldn't breathe. The girl's figure was lifted into the air, and her breathing gradually became difficult.

"Yeqi, long time no see," Leopard Demon greeted Yeqi familiarly: "Do you like this human being? May I leave her body to you?"

Thinking that Ye Qi might react a bit, Leopard Demon's whole body became restless.

Because of Leopard Demon's words, Ye Qi's body tensed up slightly.

But then, he realized something was wrong.

Just as the leopard demon is familiar with Yeqi, Yeqi also knows his old opponent very well. He has always been ruthless in his strikes, and it is absolutely impossible for him to have the leisure to chat with Yeqi here.

What's more worth pondering is that the leopard demon even captured Sheng Jige.


A conjecture emerged in Yeqi's mind, and he said calmly, with a light tone: "Whatever, you can kill her."

Sheng Qianying's eyes widened in disbelief, because of the leopard demon's actions, she couldn't speak now, and her heart was full of despair and shock.

Did Xiaoqi mean to give up on her?
"Really?" The leopard demon withdrew his hand and tightened his grip.

Sheng Qianying struggled in pain, the suffocation feeling like drowning wrapped her up, and her consciousness gradually became drowsy.

Seeing Ye Qi's indifferent reaction, the leopard demon loosened his fingers slightly.

Did he catch the wrong guy?

The leopard demon noticed that Yeqi's posture had adjusted a little bit calmly, turning towards Jige, and he was ready to go. If he wasn't sharp enough, he wouldn't have noticed this subtle change at all.

It seems that I really caught the wrong person, that girl is the one Yeqi really cares about.

Fearing that the plan would fail, the leopard demon rushed to make a move before Ye Qi, and rushed towards Ji Ge like an arrow leaving the string.

Sheng Qianying slumped on the ground, gasping for breath, her thoughts were still stuck in just now, and it took a long time for her pupils to focus.

What exactly happened here?
Why didn't the monster suddenly kill her?

Yeqi didn't seem to react, and moved a beat slower.

 Thank you little angel Xiaojin for your reward

(End of this chapter)

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