Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 385 Cat Cat Please Chapter Answer

Chapter 385 Cat Cat Please Answer (41)

Depend on.

The original scenario still happened.

Ji Ge clenched the fruit knife in his hand, adjusted his movements secretly, and changed into a very aggressive posture. His whole body was like a bow stretched tight, waiting for the moment to shoot the attacker through.

Ye Qi walked up to Sheng Qianying, quietly guarding the girl behind him, with a happy smile hanging on the corner of his lips, watching Ji Ge calmly.

Ji Ge understood that look.

Hope she dies.

It's a pity that a bad person like her has always lived longer.

However, the Leopard Demon fell down before reaching Ji Ge.

A powerful coercion was exerted on him, it was the coercion from the great demon.

And the leopard demon didn't remember when he provoked such a terrifying existence.

Just the pure coercion made him unable to resist, and he knelt down on the ground in embarrassment, even being forced to stick his face to the ground.

This also shows that the opponent's cultivation base is far above his.

The sandy soil is slightly rough, with distinct grains, and it has a smell after being exposed to the sun, mixed with the smell of earth and sand, which is not pleasant.

The leopard demon's body trembled faintly.

Two figures appeared one after the other.

The latter song of silence is already very familiar, it is Mingsha.

And the front one...

A beautiful and delicate young man with black hair and amber pupils, snow-white complexion, thin and beautiful lips pursed, a cold expression, and a dignified and elegant demeanor.

Beautiful like a finely crafted doll.

It was the first time Ji Ge saw Shang Heng's real body, and was slightly taken aback.

No matter what the personality of the target of each plane is, the face is really good-looking.

The scene was extremely quiet for a moment, no one spoke, and silence spread in the air.

Ye Qi's hair stood on end, feeling Shang Heng's killing intent on him, and a ruthless look flashed in his eyes.

He knew that Shang Heng would not let him go today, so he couldn't die in vain, and if he took away the human being that the big monster cared about, it would be no loss if he saw his painful appearance.

Ye Qi was caught off guard by Ji Ge, which was unexpected by everyone present.

Although the Black Crow Clan has an ominous meaning, they are born with extremely powerful power.

So Ye Qi resisted the coercion from Shang Heng abruptly, and rushed towards Ji Ge.

This was the last time he acted in his not-so-short life.

Shang Heng raised his eyes slightly, stretched out his hand casually, and clenched his five fingers tightly.

With a "bang", the swiftly passing black shadow suddenly exploded in mid-air, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

Ji Ge's pupils shrank, and when he was carefully considering whether to show fear, his eyes were suddenly covered.

familiar movements.

The cool breath lingers, it is light, cold and clean, and the fragrance is lazy.

"Don't be afraid." Shang Heng said in a low voice.

A sentence that seems familiar.

Ji Ge tentatively said: "Maomao?"

"It's me." Shang Heng's fingers tightened slightly, and he pursed his lips in surprise.

Shang Heng didn't intend to fall off so soon, and originally wanted to develop a relationship with Ji Ge for a while, but a series of things that happened today completely interrupted his plan.

Ji Ge blinked, stood on tiptoe slightly, and turned his face.

The girl's cheek was pressed against the boy's chest, her seaweed-like long curly hair fell down and wrapped around the boy's arms, bringing a cool touch when it swept across the skin.

Shang Heng's movements were slightly stiff, and he didn't dare to move all of a sudden.

"Why are you covering your eyes?" the girl complained softly, her voice dragged slightly, and there was an obvious smile in her coquettish voice: "Maomao is so beautiful, I want to see more."

 today is over

  go to bed early, good night
(End of this chapter)

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