Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 414 Will You Raise Me?

Chapter 414 Will You Raise Me (16)

It stands to reason that after the game, the players will have a few days to buy souvenirs.

Qiao Man was a little confused, and asked the opinions of his companions, "What do you think Qiao Qiao would like?"

"Buy this." Xuan Yun picked up a bag of candy from a shelf not far away, with a friendly smile, but somehow made people feel chills on the back, "Doesn't she like candy?"

The boy tilted his head, "You should like this."

"..." But Qiao Man felt that even if Ji Ge liked sugar, it probably didn't include anti-human food like bitter gourd candy.

Ji Ge, who was far away in City A, didn't know about this little episode at all, and had a great time by himself, entertaining himself.

In the spacious and bright piano room, a petite and slender girl put the light brown violin on her shoulders, concentrating on it.

The melodious notes come out from under the bow, and the strings are stretched straight. In a blink of an eye, the clear and melodious melody fills the space of tens of square meters, and flies away like a cheerfully singing bird.

At the end of the song, Ji Ge put down the violin, turned his wrists to relax, and at the same time calculated the time for Qiao Man and the others to come back.

It's almost there.

The girl got up and stretched.

What Ji Ge didn't expect was that Qiao Man came back, but her good days were also coming to an end.

This year is another year for the HP team to win the championship. They won consecutive championships again, creating a new myth in the e-sports industry.

The members of the HP team dominated the screens for several days, especially Qiao Man and Xuan Yun, who were able to make a name for themselves in the entertainment industry even if they didn't mix in the e-sports circle.

But what the fans didn't expect was that some people were indifferent and reticent in front of the media, but in private they worked tirelessly to supervise their sister to finish her summer homework.

The summer sun is sunny, and the meandering light lazily covers the entire training room.

"Have you finished writing?" Qiao Man accepted a head unhurriedly, and at the same time turned to look at Ji Ge's results.

Ji Ge's pen tip paused, and asked sincerely, "Brother, don't you really think there is something wrong with our configuration?"

Why does she have to do the paper next to you when you are playing games?

What human suffering is this? !

Ji Ge wanted to drop his pen and quit.

"You will be in the third year of junior high school next semester." The person who spoke this time was Xuan Yun, the young man spoke lazily, "Are you confident that you will be the first in the exam?"

"..." Ji Ge, who was strangled by fate, suddenly calmed down. Because of practicing piano, Qiao Jige spent less time studying correspondingly, and it is normal to have poor academic performance.

So it's not her problem.

Ji Ge successfully brainwashed himself, and rubbed his sore fingers, "Brother, can I take a break?"

Qiao Man casually flipped through the paper in front of Ji Ge, seeing that she had already finished half of the paper, he didn't press too hard, "Yes."

Ji Ge breathed a sigh of relief, happily picked up his mobile phone beside him, and clicked on the game.

The familiar background music sounded, Ji Ge touched Qiao Man's shoulder, and Nuo Nuo asked, "Brother, can you take me?"

"Let's do it next." Qiao Man hurriedly replied.

Ji Ge nodded obediently.

"God Joe, I'm coming too." Glue expressed his enthusiasm.

In the end, it became five rows. Xiao Z had diarrhea and didn't participate, and it happened to be enough for five people.

They used trumpets for training, but their ranks were not low, and Jige's account has been successfully promoted to a higher rank after these days of diligent practice. Although it is not enough for these top players, it is already It surpassed 80.00% of amateur players.

The match was successfully completed, and Ji Ge locked a shooter without thinking.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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