Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 415 Will You Raise Me?

Chapter 415 Will You Raise Me (17)

They didn't start the live broadcast, so Qiao Man put down his airs and chose a support without complaint.

Glue sighed, "Since Xuanshen chose a nanny last time, Qiaoshen has also stepped into the footsteps. It is really a lifetime series."

Qiao Man said concisely, "Shut up."

The opponent they met this time was very strong, Ji Ge was tricked by the opponent, and Qiao Man died heroically together.

"Sorry, brother." Ji Ge faintly tapped the dark screen with his fingertips, and pursed his lips.

She turned on the voice, and then tuned to full frequency because of a mistake, not only her teammates, but even her opponents heard it.

The sweet, glutinous and obedient voice, like a sweet and delicate honey cake, softens on the tip of the tongue, and the hearts of those who listen to it soften.

The communication area quickly brushed out a line of words, it is the opponent.


"Do you think we'll show mercy to our girls? Overthinking."

"E-sports, no love."

"..." Straight men are standard, and it looks like a lone wolf without a girlfriend speaking.

But then another sentence came out: "Unless you are willing to add me as a friend."

"..." Very good, the fragrance of singles eager to get out of the singles has overflowed.

Qiao Man sneered, "Dare to play Qiao Qiao's idea, and treat me as blind?"

Feeling the overflowing murderous aura, Glue and Kaka wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads at the same time.

Xuan Yun happened to throw a big move, and took the head of the chattering buddy, his tone was flat, and he couldn't hear any emotion, "There are so many words."

Ji Ge looked at him, the young man didn't see anything wrong, as if he felt her gaze, turned his face, and said flatly, "Are you not playing?"

The countdown had just ended, Ji Singer frantically manipulated the characters, "Oh."

The girl lowered her head, and naturally missed the slightly deep look in the boy's eyes.

At the end of this round, Qiao Man simply followed behind Xuan Yun. The sister-in-law who was pissed off was terrible, and the two almost beat each other up.

The game ends in a complete victory.

Qiao Man patted Xuan Yun's shoulder, but was dodged by Xuan Yun. He didn't pay attention, and expressed his feelings, "Xuan Yun, you take such good care of Qiao Qiao, you are very competent as a brother."

The boy twitched the corner of his lips, "It should."

Ji Ge, who had a ghost in his heart, silently shrank back, not participating in this harmonious atmosphere.

I hope that if she succeeds in the strategy in the future, Qiao Man won't be too angry when he learns the truth.

In August, Ji Ge left the HP base and began to practice piano all day long.

The teacher who taught her was a retired violin master who was well-known internationally, and he disciplined the students quite strictly. Although it was still summer vacation, Jige had already started the school schedule ahead of schedule.

Halfway through the trip, the Qiao family's parents finally remembered that they still have a pair of children. The elder one has grown up and has become independent and mature since childhood. , as soon as the heart of concern comes to the fore, Jige will receive the loving care of his parents every now and then.

In mid-August, Mother Qiao returned to City A, and specially sent a message to ask the teacher for half a day off, hoping to see her precious daughter as soon as possible.

According to the flight time given by Qiao's mother, Ji Ge arrived at the airport on time by car, and saw Qiao's mother just out of the security check at a glance.

"Qiao Qiao," Qiao's mother opened her arms and gave Ji Ge a big hug, "I haven't seen you for so long, do you miss your mother?"

"Of course I want to." Ji Ge replied crisply with his eyebrows bent.

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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