Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 427 Will You Raise Me?

Chapter 427 Will You Raise Me (29)
"Angry?" Xuan Yun touched his little girlfriend's head, she turned her face away, not looking at him.

"Then what?" the young man slowed down his tone, his voice was tired and lazy, like a seductive monster, "will Haw forgive me?"

Ji Ge rubbed his ears, this person is too cunning, he deliberately seduced her with beauty.

Is she the kind of person who can be bought by beauty casually?
Of course yes.

Ji Ge turned around, met Xuan Yun's gaze, and kissed the young man's tear mole, which was where Ji Ge had long wanted to strike, "Stamp it."

The young man's eyes moved slightly, he looked at the girl and said with a smile, "It means that my brother belongs to me alone."

After being sticky for a while, Ji Ge reluctantly got out of the car and waved goodbye, "See you tomorrow, brother."

Ji Ge returned home, the lights were still on, but everyone else had already fallen asleep.

It's obviously a serious relationship, but Ji Ge feels like cheating.

But after thinking about the possible reactions of Qiao Man and Qiao's father after knowing the news of their relationship, Ji Ge felt that it is better not to make it so exciting.

Ever since, Ji Ge and Xuan Yun started an underground love.

Although Xuan Yun has retired for almost three years, there are still many rumors about him in the gaming circle. At least that Chaohua has not been disbanded. Every time Ji Ge goes to sign in, he can enjoy the fanart of different protagonists.

Cough, if you fall in love underground, you can be regarded as having a foresight.


Half a month later, the time officially entered the end of summer.

As soon as Ji Ge came to the band, he saw someone handing out wedding candies.

She asked the girl next to her strangely, "This is a good thing for someone."

"Someone in our group made a successful marriage proposal." The girl explained in a low voice.

"That's a good thing."

Ji Ge propped his chin lazily, talking to each other one after another.

They have been busy with their European tour recently, and they have been busy for almost a few months. Ji Ge and Xuan Yun have not seen each other for several days, and their spirits are tense. It is not necessary to relax now.

In the evening, the lucky one who proposes successfully treats guests.

After the meal, everyone's interest was still there, and they went directly to KTV.

Ji Ge has just come of age, and Qiao's family was strictly controlled before, so she hasn't touched alcohol for a long time.

She flipped through the menu and ordered a glass of Summer Clear Sky.

Soon, the waiter brought the wine she ordered.

A fresh and clean sea blue drink, with a small slice of fresh lemon inserted on the edge of the glass, and the ambiguous and dim light of the bar shines through the liquid, reflecting a beautiful luster.

It looks like it tastes good.

Ji Ge tried to take a sip, it was slightly sweet, but it was usually slightly sour.

She took a big sip in relief.

The girl next to her turned her head and saw the half-empty glass in an instant, and swallowed, "Qiao Qiao, how much do you drink?"

"..." The girl held the cup in a very standard retirement posture. The girl looked at her as if she was holding a health cup, paying attention to her health, "Why do you ask this?"

She looked up, and a hazy mist had appeared in her eyes.

Girl: Oh, it's over.

There are some drinks in the bar that don't taste heavy, but actually have a lot of stamina.

Such is the clear summer sky at Dead Song Point.

Fortunately, she was not completely drunk, so she turned on the phone and explained clearly, "Remember to call my boyfriend later and ask him to pick me up."

As soon as the words were finished, the girl fell directly to the ground, laying straight on the small round table in front of her, like touching porcelain, and instantly fell unconscious.

The remaining girl was holding the hot potato-like mobile phone alone, standing there stupidly, dazed and dazed.

Poor, weak, and helpless.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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