Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 428 Will You Raise Me?

Chapter 428 Will You Raise Me (30)

Looking at Ji Ge who had already fallen asleep, and then at the little friends who were drinking and singing, the girl had never felt so tormented.

She has never met Ji Ge's boyfriend, but she has also heard about it. Gao Ling Zhihua is a type that can only be seen from a distance and not played with. The girl somehow thinks of the cold and cold hero in the novel.

It's better not to take the liberty of disturbing such a fairy or a mortal like her.

However, the girl finally dialed the number resignedly.

"Chirp," the young man's voice was like fresh snow in March, cool and indifferent, and slightly softened when he called the girl's name, "What's the matter?"

The girl stumbled and finished Ji Ge's confession, and the other side was silent for a while, Xuan Yun got up and asked, "Where are you?"

The girl reported the address, Xuan Yun thanked her, and hung up the phone.

When Xuan Yun arrived, a group of people danced wildly, having fun.

"Sorry," the young man from Zhilan Yushu stood at the door, nodding slightly to a group of people, "I'll pick them up."

Frightened by the man's demeanor and elegance, a group of people looked at each other as if the pause button had been suddenly pressed, and the whole box fell silent instantly.

Seeing that the little friend was hopeless and the girl could only rely on herself, she stood up and waved to Xuan Yun, "Qiao Qiao is here."

At the moment Xuan Yun approached, the girl opened her eyes wide in confusion, half awake, and softly called drunkenly, "Brother."

Soft voice, as sweet as honey.

She obediently let Xuan Yun hug her, her thick curly long hair was scattered, and messily fell on her snow-white cheeks, which made her skin white as snow, and her appearance was delicate and delicate.

"It's troublesome."

Xuan Yun packed up Ji Ge's things, and left with her in his arms.

No one in the box dared to speak until the young man left.

"Is that Jojo's boyfriend? The aura is too strong."

"No, Miss Qiao hasn't been an adult for long. If Brother Qiao finds out about this, he won't have to take that person's skin off."

There was silence in the box after saying this.

"I think we'd better stop talking nonsense and keep it a secret for Miss Qiao."

After several minutes, the girl who had been in close contact with Xuan Yun just now slowly woke up, and sighed, "Qiao Qiao is really lucky."

And now, the lucky Ji Ge was carried into the car by Xuan Yun.

She will definitely not be able to go home with her ghostly appearance, Xuan Yun thought about it, and decided to take her back to his apartment first, and discuss the next thing after she wakes up tomorrow morning.

The little girl's drinking capacity didn't seem to be much better than his. Thinking of the previous incident, Xuan Yun turned his head and rubbed the girl's face, "Little drunk cat."

It is said that when he is drunk, he is full of vigor and seems to be able to drink, but in fact he only pours a glass.

Kind of cute.

The young man suppressed the smile on his lips and started the car.

The person in the co-pilot's seat was very peaceful, sleeping peacefully with his eyes closed, and didn't make any fuss when he was awake.

The apartment is not far from the KTV, Xuan Yun parked the car, took Ji Ge up, placed her on the bed in the master bedroom, fetched water and found a towel, and washed her face.

Ji Ge fully enjoyed his service, and only moved away in a low voice when he was uncomfortable, his consciousness was drowsy, and his small face rubbed against his palm obediently, like a newborn baby Like a cub, too soft and lovable.

She drank, if she didn't take some countermeasures, she would probably wake up tomorrow with a headache, Xuan Yun found out the sober medicine she bought on the way back, and poured another cup of hot water.

(End of this chapter)

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