Chapter 569 Misunderstanding Buddha (63)

When Ji Kong came over, what he saw were young girls sitting cross-legged together.

He fell silent.

The cat demon was very surprised after seeing Ji Ge's human form, trying to recall: "I think you look familiar."

Ji Ge kindly reminded: "You can look through the wanted notice."

Only Jikong and the abbot knew her identity in the Fanyin Temple. At first, it was because she didn't hide it from Jikong and the words she gave were fully identified, so Jikong recognized her easily.

The abbot has a wide network of contacts, so it is not difficult to guess her real identity. The other elders did not pay too much attention to her because the abbot had informed them that Jige would not harm Fanyin Temple or Jikong. Treat it like an ordinary spirit beast.

The cat demon didn't know anything about Ji Ge's glorious achievements, so he went to check the arrest warrant with a solid eye, and then he was stunned.

This... ruined most of the Kunyan Sect, which is really awesome.

"Are you going to report on me?" Ji Ge said casually, resting his chin.

"No," the cat demon came back to his senses after being surprised, decided to stand on Ji Ge's side without thinking, and whispered: "You don't look like a bad person."

"Kunyanzong..." The cat demon's amber eyes narrowed into a line, showing a rare sharpness and disgust: "There are not many good people in the whole clan."

Ji Ge deeply agrees.

As the number one sect in the cultivation world, the Kunyan Sect naturally has strength and heritage. It is a matter of course to be worshiped and admired by people, but it absolutely should not, and should not treat the Yaozu as a A stepping stone to the revitalization of Terran.

The way of heaven favors the monster race.

This is a well-known thing in the Three Realms.

Absolutely gorgeous talent, long lifespan, and supreme appearance, he was born with a cultivation base that surpassed the human race's decades of painstaking cultivation...

Everything that Yaozu has is really enviable.

Ji Ge didn't know what to think of, a little sarcasm appeared in his eyes.

The cat demon is a demon. People who have been in contact with the Kunyan sect with the owner several times before, although they did not do anything to him because of the owner, their attitude is not friendly, so the cat demon has a bad impression of them.

Ji Ge is also a demon clan, and the cat demon has a natural affection for her.

Moreover, the cat demon can feel the coercion emanating from Ji Ge's body, which means that her bloodline is extremely high.

What kind of fox is it?
The cat demon grew up in the realm of comprehension since he was a child, and he doesn't know anything about the demon clan.

But the basic common sense is still understood, such as the blood of the demon emperor passed down from generation to generation by the demon clan, the Tianhu clan.

There are only two people in Tianhu's generation, both of whom are princesses. It is rumored that the eldest princess fell in the demon palace incident and was killed by the mad demon emperor. Of course, this is the news released by Kunyanzong, and the accuracy is not guaranteed.

The little princess... the cat demon doesn't know her name, but only knows that she has been missing for decades and her whereabouts are unknown.

Whether it is to support the lineage of the Demon Emperor, or to seize the position of the Demon Emperor, the ambitious big demon is looking for the whereabouts of this little princess, but in the end they find nothing.

Because it is uncertain whether the little princess is dead, what her strength is, and whether she can inherit the throne of the Demon Emperor, the Demon Realm has been in turmoil all the time.

Over the past few decades, there have been fewer great demons in the realm of comprehension, and they all ran back to the demon domain, trying to compete for the position of the demon emperor.

Therefore, the Yaoyu has been in chaos for decades, with bloody fights constantly.

No one can suppress other big monsters and succeed in ascending the throne.

"Song of Silence."

Jikong made a sound.

Ji Ge, who was happily eating grilled fish, raised his head and said vaguely: "You came out so soon?"

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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