Chapter 570 Misunderstanding Buddha (64)

Ji Kong hummed, glanced at Ji Ge and the cat demon, and asked quietly.

"Do you want to continue playing?"

Ji Ge thought about it seriously: "No."

He was already tired of eating grilled fish, so Ji Ge got up ruthlessly, and had a good chat with the cat demon just now, who didn't realize how things turned out like this and left.

This style of pie really has a hint of ruthlessness.

The cat demon who doesn't have much contact with the outside world and doesn't know the sinister heart is stunned.

The skirt of the girl was light and swaying. Jige bought several skirts on the way back. Of course, they borrowed the spirit stone of Jikong. Today, she changed into a moon-white long skirt with winding patterns of Udumbara flowers embroidered on the corners of the skirt. The sacred flower of Buddhism is in full bloom, and it looks very suitable when standing with Jikong in a snow-white cassock.

The cat demon thought that he might be crazy, otherwise how could he think that Buddha and a woman are very suitable.

You know, Buddhist disciples cannot get married.

"I have already asked the abbot for instructions," Jikong said as he walked, "You can show up in Fanyin Temple in the form of a human body, but you need to change your face."

Ji Ge snapped her fingers. The talent of the Sky Fox Clan is charm. If practiced to the extreme, it can easily confuse others without being noticed. It is too easy for her to change her face.


Ji Ge smiled and raised his head and said: "Except for you, when other people see me, they will automatically substitute another face."

Even in front of Da Neng, Ji Ge is not in vain. In order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, she deliberately suppressed the evil spirit on her body.

"What are you going to do next?"

Ji Ge asked, shaking his head: "Have you stayed in Fanyin Temple to practice with you?"

In this case, life is too boring.

Ji Ge blinked.

"No," Ji Kong said gently, "We need to increase not only our cultivation, but also our experience in our practice."

Cultivation involves both the body and the mind.

"Next, I will report to the abbot and go out to practice."

Ji Ge bent his eyes: "I will go with you."

"Anyway, don't try to get rid of me."

The young man smiled and said, "Okay."

Half a year later, Yunzhou.

Yunzhou is a fairly remote city, quite a distance from the center of the cultivation world and several major sects, and it is next to the entrance and exit of the demon realm.

Therefore, this place is not more prosperous than Cangzhou, and there are not many monks, and most of them are mortals without spiritual roots.

Even the master of the state only has the cultivation base of Yuanying's early stage, let alone other people.

But it is very lively here, with the voices of vendors hawking and buyers bargaining one after another, pedestrians come and go in a hurry, and flags hanging outside the restaurant are waving in the wind.

Full of life.

Two people passed by on the bluestone-paved street.

One is a bright girl in red with bright peaches and plums, and the other is a young man with a beautiful appearance but shaved hair and soft, calm and radiant eyes.

Pedestrians passing by looked at this strange pair from time to time, hesitated to speak, and there was a bit of surprise in their eyes.

This pair of boys and girls is naturally Jikong and Jige.

In the past six months, they have experienced many places, visited dangerous secret places, and entered the noisy and lively mortal market. In order to solve a case that has not been solved for a long time, Jige even dragged Jikong to Wenxiang The Qinlou Chuguan in the nephrite jade selling gold cave conducted an investigation and touched the hand of the beautiful young lady.

Of course, Jikong ignored her for three whole days afterwards.

But now, the two of them appeared in Yunzhou for the entrustment of the governor.

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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