Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 621 I became a god after proving the hero

Chapter 621 I Became a God After Proving to the Male Lead (24)

Let's put aside the matter of reshaping the god's bones, the most important thing now is not this.

Ji Ge was summoned by Mozun again.

The Demon Lord and the other six Demon Lords sat neatly in the hall, and when the attendants led the slender and flamboyant girl in, their eyes were basically on her.

Of course, Jiang Wanchen behind was not ignored by everyone.

"Yaoguang, who is this?" Tianquan Mojun touched the green flute on his waist with his fingers, and asked with great interest when he rarely saw a person of the opposite sex appearing beside Jige.

Xiangli Jige is the temperament of the Ashura family. Passionate is ruthless. If you are bored, you will go to the fireworks place in the magic city to tease the beautiful boy. It can be said that they have followed suit, but Xiangli Jige was confiscated.

It is easy to get tired of watching too much.

The scum is clear.

Her interest lasted for at most three days, and after three days, she became a passer-by, the kind who met each other and didn't know each other.

Ji Ge sat down in her only vacant seat, calmly saying, "My new disciple," she glanced at Tianquan Mojun slowly, and said slowly, "Do you have an opinion?"

Tianquan Demon Lord hurriedly raised his hand, and resolutely admitted: "No."

"Okay," Mozun said, preventing the two from continuing to communicate: "I called you here today to discuss the preparations for the holy war."

Ji Ge is not surprised.

Jihad is not a trivial matter. It will take decades to prepare for the war and prepare various strategic resources, especially for the well-trained magic army to fight as the vanguard.

The seven great demon lords all have territory under their names, which is the greatest benefit they can get from taking the position of the demon lord. As far as Ji Ge knows, Du Yuheng, who loves to make things happen, has always wanted to overthrow the devil himself and realize the ultimate goal of a wage earner, but with him alone and weak, the chance of success is infinitely close to zero.

So Demon Lord Yuheng began to solicit sponsors conscientiously... No, he solicited accomplices and tried to force the palace, but no one paid attention to him.

Isn't it good to live a leisurely and rich life? Who is willing to accompany this unlucky guy to fight the country? Mozun is a solid boss. If it were someone else, he might not trust his subordinates as much. He hasn't had a drink to release his military power for so many years. .

What's more, Yuheng Mojun's talent is all about force value. If you want to talk about IQ, let alone Mozun, a boss who has been a boss for many years and knows the minds of his subordinates clearly, even Tianquan, who is addicted to love, fishes every day. Demons can't do it.

In short, following Demon Lord Yuheng out of ten out of ten will send me to a road of no return.

Mozun first opened his mouth to criticize Ji Ge's behavior of blowing up the prison without permission, and detaining her for half a year. The human race regarded this incident as a provocation, and asked Mo for an explanation.

Mozun chose to ignore these idiots.

Xiangli Jige is a lunatic who cannot be manipulated by ordinary people at all. They should be thankful that Xiangli Jige blows up the prison instead of blowing up the palace.

After all, Xiangli Jige went crazy, so it can be said that he didn't care.

Ji Ge Zhiyi sits idle, wide sleeves revealing snow-coloured wrists, crystal clear like jade, like a crescent moon surrounded by black clouds, the thick dark color contains a halo of pear blossoms like new snow, bright and beautiful.

She nodded absent-mindedly, apparently accepting all of Mozun's criticism, but actually didn't listen at all.

 one more

  Thank you Miss Qi Sui for your reward
(End of this chapter)

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