Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 622 I became a god after proving the hero

Chapter 622 I Became a God After Proving to the Male Lead (25)

Mozun was already used to Ji Ge's style, knowing that this person would not restrain himself, he just went through the process.

But there are always fools who like to stand out.

Yuheng Mojun suddenly said: "Yaoguang, you must always think about the devil world, don't expose our plan."

As soon as these words came out, the coquettish Tianquan Demon Lord stopped his actions of fondling the jade flute, while Tianxuan Demon Lord, who liked to watch dramas, sat up straight, looking forward to the workplace violence to be seen next.

I don't know what kind of dog this brainless guy will be beaten by fluctlight.

Jige lived up to their expectations. The girl rolled up her sleeves, and the witch's smile was as bright as fire, bright and brilliant, like a phoenix nirvana igniting a flame, burning the sky with all the beauty, she pursed her lips and smiled, A small pear dimple was exposed on the snow-white cheek, and the slightly sunken curve was sweet and obedient, with a bit of bloody charm, fishy and strong.

"Monarch Yuheng means that I interfered with His Majesty's great affairs?" Ji Ge asked back, with a smile on his face.

Demon Lord Tianxuan couldn't bear to look at Demon Lord Yuheng and nodded his head.

She covered her eyes.

Smart people can understand that Xiangli Jige is not familiar with the question at all, and it is obvious that he wants to trouble Lord Yuheng.

Mozun watched his nose, nose, and heart, as steady as an old dog, turning a blind eye to the upcoming beating incident below.

It is not easy to be a boss with a bowl of water.

As for the conflict between Xiangli Jige and Yuheng Mojun, let them go.

Anyway, it won't kill people.

Ji Ge got up, waved his folding fan, and the table in front of him smashed directly at Demon Lord Yuheng with a threatening aura.

Demon Lord Yuheng caught the table quickly, confused, and before he could ask Ji Ge why he did something to him, he was yelled by a group of red lotuses that lurked at his feet at some point.

Demon Lord Kaiyang and Demon Lord Tianshu who were sitting next to Demon Lord Yuheng retreated with foresight, happy to see this scene of cannibalism unfolding.

The demons are cruel by nature, so don't expect them to have any love from their compatriots.

It was their last sympathy for the fool Yuheng Mojun without adding oil and vinegar.

Demon Monarch Tianxuan, who was sitting beside Ji Ge, saw the young man standing blankly behind Ji Ge, and kindly said, "You were brought back from the human race by Yaoguang."

Demon Lord Tianxuan said in a faint voice: "Remind you, the demon world is different from the human race, you have to adapt as soon as possible, otherwise."

She opened her eyes and smiled, as if she had thought of some funny picture: "The name of the first apprentice of the Lord of the Light is not something everyone can afford. If you don't adapt quickly, you will only become the belly of other demons, and you will end up falling into the trap." A dead end."

Jiang Wanchen was not intimidated: "Thank you for your reminder, Your Highness Demon Lord."

The teenage boy's brows and eyes are still green and immature, but he has a calmness and quietness rarely seen by his peers.

Demon Monarch Tianxuan took another look at him, and accepted the thank you with peace of mind.

She probably knew why Xiangli Jige, a lunatic, brought this human race back.

This human race is extremely similar to Xiangli Jige hundreds of years ago.

The same was framed, the same went to the end of the road, and survived from the end.

The woman's lips twitched.

There will be a good show to watch in the future.

She was very curious, whether Xiangli Jige would raise a scary monster like her.

Ji Ge violently beat Yuheng Mojun and let out a bad breath. Shi Shiran returned to her seat. Her current table was thrown down as a weapon and hit someone, so she could only sit on the seat, lie back, lean on Sitting on the back of the chair, he looked at Mojun Yuheng, who was glaring at her with a bruised nose and swollen face, with a smile on his face.

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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