Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 623 I became a god after proving the hero

Chapter 623 I Became a God After Proving to the Male Lead (26)

Mozun ignored the brawling behavior that broke out below, and continued to explain his arrangements and layout.

The one who was entrusted with the important task of military adviser was the handsome and beautiful Tianshu Demon Lord with a pair of magnificent red eyes. The young man was slender and thin, and his face had a well-behaved and innocent sense of innocence, which looked extremely harmless.

Like a jackrabbit, the innocent and immature young man is bewitching by his beauty, and those who are not familiar with him can easily be fooled by his appearance.

Mozun ordered Kaiyang Mojun and Ji Ge to assist him.

This meeting didn't last long, and it will end soon.

Demon Monarch Tianxuan leaned close to Ji Ge affectionately, and whispered in a low voice: "Your Majesty loves Demon Monarch Tianshu too much. Is it true that Tianshu is His Majesty's illegitimate child as the rumors say?"

Ji Ge didn't speak, and glanced behind Demon Monarch Tianxuan.

Slamming down a long sickle, the movement is as light as splitting a flower and brushing a willow, but it brings a gust of violent wind, and hits Tianxuan Demon Lord's head straight.

The woman narrowly dodged, flung out the long whip, and flexibly wrapped around the long sickle, Tianxuan Demon Lord took a few steps back: "Tianshu, what are you doing?"

The boy's eyebrows were curved, his eyebrows were too delicate, and he said softly: "Who told you to speak ill of me to Yaoguang?"

He raised his fingers, his pale lips pouted slightly, and his expression was a little happy: "This is just a small lesson for Tianxuan."


Tianxuan Demon Lord saw his cute appearance, and immediately hardened his fist.

This guy is the same as Tianquan Mojun, he is an unsaved love brain.

Also fell in love with the same person.

The point is that Demon Lord Tianquan has been teasing that scumbag girl, Demon Lord Fluctuating Light from the beginning to the end. He is not strong enough to dare to confront the prime minister Li Jige, while Demon Lord Tianshu, a lunatic, has always been a real swordsman. , just not once.

Demon Monarch Tianxuan got angry, grabbed the long whip and pulled the scythe towards her, intending to show Monarch Tianshu a look.

Tianshu Demon Lord is not a vegetarian either, the long knife suddenly shrunk and broke away from the shackles of the long whip. With a twist of the young man's slender wrist, it formed a sharp contrast with the huge long knife.

The handsome and dignified boy is holding a crescent-like long scythe, presenting a thrilling visual impact.

Ji Ge took Jiang Wanchen back to hide a little in time, and had no intention of going forward to help at all, and was happy to see Tianxuan Demon Lord deflated.

"Master," Jiang Wanchen stood aside, a little hesitant: "Would it be safe for them to fight like this?"

Because of Ji Ge's request, Jiang Wanchen no longer called her senior, but changed her title to master.

"No hurry," Ji Ge said without worry, "I can't die."

After the words fell, Demon Monarch Tianxuan retracted his whip, Demon Monarch Tianshu retracted his scythe, and the atmosphere that was about to explode turned friendly.

"Ji Ge," Tianshu Demon Lord dragged out the ending, and the young man's clear and clean voice showed a bit of grievance, and he hummed intimately: "You don't care about me so much, I'm going to be angry."

Without moving his eyes, Ji Ge replied leisurely: "That's good."

Demon Lord Tianshu's lips curled so that he could hang an oil pot, Demon Lord Tianxuan looked at the demon Lord Tianshu who had been fighting back and forth with him just now, turning into a dog licking at this moment, silently cursing him until he had nothing left.

I really don't want to admit that this thing is actually a demon king.

Demon Lord Tianxuan reasonably suspected that Demon Lord Tianshu had gone through the back door.

Tianshu Mojun stepped forward at lightning speed: "Ji Ge kiss me, and I won't be angry."

The boy's light-colored lips fell on the folding fan, and he sighed regretfully.

Stealing kisses failed again.

 Three shifts

  Thank you Star sink. Little Angel for your reward
(End of this chapter)

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