Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 656 I became a god after proving the hero

Chapter 656 I Became a God After Proving to the Male Lead (59)

The thunder light dissipated, and Ji Ge slowly opened his eyes.

The black long dress was turned into ashes in the thunderous thunder calamity, and a new robe was woven for her with abundant divine power.

There was a rumbling sound in the sky.

Everyone looked subconsciously and saw a corner of the God Realm half hidden.

When the last protoss fell, the God Realm, the residence of the protoss, also hid itself until a new god was born.

She is the first Asura clan to cultivate into a god.

Ji Ge's eyes fell on Mrs. Qiongxiang, and the golden divine seal on the girl's forehead was burning, embellishing her original beautiful complexion with a rare holy and pure inspiration.

"Thank you Madam for your help," Ji Ge startled everyone when she opened her mouth. She didn't seem to realize how much thunder she had thrown, and asked with a smile:

"Is the mind control Gu easy to use? I spent decades looking for it, and it was finally delivered to you."

Mrs. Qiongxiao's eyes widened: "It's you..."

In the blink of an eye, Mrs. Qiongxiao suddenly understood something.

"It's you," she gasped: "All of this is a trap set by you."

Ji Ge smiled: "Ma'am, don't talk nonsense, I just delivered the mind control Gu to your hands, the rest, isn't it all your own decision?"

The girl's tone was innocent.

Mrs. Qiongxiao said bitterly: "You did it on purpose. You sent your little disciple to me on purpose."

Ji Ge admitted generously now: "Yes."

The girl god looked at Jiang Wanchen lightly, with a vague smile on her lips.

A sense of fear suddenly arose in Jiang Wanchen's heart, and he subconsciously resisted hearing Ji Ge's next words.

The young man had a hunch that what Ji Ge was going to say would definitely subvert his previous cognition.

But Ji Ge didn't do what he wanted, and said cruelly: "In order to coax my stupid disciple into willingly becoming a stepping stone for me to become a god, I have been planning for more than ten years."

"In this world, there has never been Xu Yeshuang."

Ji Ge looked at Jiang Wanchen from afar, and said with a sweet smile: "He is nothing more than your divided soul."

Ji Ge said: "It is a move in the thousand-year layout of the Protoss."

The ancient gods finally cultivated to become gods after going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, and ascended to the God Realm. Since then, they have lived in the God Realm and balanced the forces of the four directions, making this plane endlessly alive and continue to run.

This is the law of planes.

The lifespan of the gods is extremely long, almost eternal, but in exchange, they need to pay a corresponding exchange.

For example, day after day, the daily life without change, the loneliness confined to one space.

Gods cannot conceive offspring, they live in the God Realm, accompanied by loneliness and a long lifespan, they are destined to sit and rot in the glory revered by all people.

However, when the power of the Protoss reaches its peak, and even competes with the Heavenly Dao, conflicts are inevitable.

The Protoss wants to rewrite the laws of the plane.

The first thing to fight against is the Heavenly Dao, which is in charge of the progress of the small plane.

But just in case, they drew a huge amount of divine power together and created a baby.

He was born as a god, born with god bones.

But in order to confuse the heavens and prevent this child who is the back of the gods from being exposed prematurely, his god bones were sealed and hidden under the sacred mountain. If one day they failed, then he would grow up as an ordinary human child.

Yun Qing practices life strings, and there are also people who are good at numerology in the Protoss.

In particular, their strength has broken through the upper limit, and they have been completely reborn.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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