Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 657 I became a god after proving the hero

Chapter 657 I became a god after proving to the hero (End)
The power of the Protoss is far beyond human imagination.

Step by step, they carefully planned a situation that lasted for thousands of years.

And in order to make this plan foolproof, they attacked the Asura family.

The Asura family, half god and half ghost, born in the nether world, is a sword of heaven.

If it is said that the Protoss monitors and balances the power of the Quartet for Tiandao.

Then the Asura clan bears the responsibility of cleaning up the factors that endanger the development of the small plane for Tiandao.

Half gods and half ghosts are not only the glory bestowed on them by heaven, but also restrictions.

They were born with amazing talents, brave and good at fighting, but they couldn't become gods because of the ordinary half-ghost blood in their bodies.

This is the established destiny of the Asura clan.

All races can rely on cultivation to become gods, except for the Asura clan.

If they want to become gods, they can only abandon the Asura bloodline.

The demise of the Asura clan aroused the vigilance of Tiandao, which made Tiandao pay attention to the changes of the gods.

This confrontation between the Protoss and the Dao of Heaven ended in the defeat of the Protoss.

But it didn't end there.

Thousands of years later, the baby who pinned all the hopes of the gods split a ray of soul, reincarnated as Xu Yeshuang, met the last blood of the Asura clan in the Divine Grace Academy, and fell in love with Jige.

She is the only surviving Asura clan in the world, carrying all the luck of the Asura clan on her back, she was born extraordinary.

When Xu Yeshuang died for Xiangli Jige, their fates were intertwined.

The red thread of cause and effect is entangled, and the acquaintance of Jiang Wanchen and Xiangli Jige is destined in the dark.

And all of this is a move that the Protoss has made.

When the red line of karma between the two becomes more and more tightly entangled, the fates overlap, and one party can eat away at the other's luck as a stepping stone for oneself.

In the original plot, Xiangli Jige lost.

She was defeated by the God Clan's thousand-year plan, and was killed by Jiang Wanchen to prove the truth.

And it was no accident that Xiangli Jige was let go by the Protoss.

They need a container that carries all the luck of Asura.

Therefore, in the inevitable battle between the God Clan and the Asura Clan, they sealed the newly born royal family of the Asura Clan, and they were in love with Jige.

Among the Asura clan, not everyone can master the red lotus karma fire, only those whose blood is pure enough can do it.

And the just-born Xiangli Jige is the highest-ranked member of the Asura clan.

She was sealed for thousands of years, until many years later, someone touched the seal, released Xiangli Jige, and brought her back.

Since all the gods fell and the gods died out, the way of heaven intentionally restricted the development of the plane.

The overall strength of the gods is not weak, and the way of heaven has also been backlashed and weakened a lot. In order not to make the development of the plane out of control, he deliberately reduced the aura in the plane.

So for thousands of years, no gods have emerged.

But the existence of gods will also promote the evolution of the plane, so the way of heaven needs gods.

Why doesn't a blade of grass grow in the devil world, even the sun avoids this land.

Because the order of the plane is out of balance, and the power of assisting and restricting has been lost, the Dao of Heaven can no longer control the entire plane, resulting in an imbalance of power between the two worlds, which will eventually lead to destruction for a long time.

This is the whole truth hidden in the original plot, the much-talked-about romance.

In order to deceive the Heavenly Dao, the God Clan sealed Jiang Wanchen's divine bone and disguised him as an ordinary child. It was not until the young man's luck accumulated to such a huge extent that even the Heavenly Dao could not interfere, that the Divine Clan unsealed it, revealing what the God Clan planned. A corner.

Even if he is deceived by the gods, Tiandao can't do whatever he wants, he can only let him become a god.

But in this life, Ji Ge exposed Jiang Wanchen's divine bones prematurely, and the fear of the ancient gods meant that he could not become a god.

And what she has to do is to become the only choice of Tiandao.

The girl smiled lightly, and the Demon Lord of Heavenly Quan stepped forward in due course: "You should go."

The protoss should live in the God Realm, and Ji Ge already felt that the aura of this world was squeezing her body, as if trying to squeeze her out.

"Understood," she said, her voice was so soft that only the two of them could hear: "Master Tiandao."

The Demon Lord of Heavenly Power glanced at her and said nothing.

God Realm cast a traction light, and the dazzling beam fell in front of Ji Ge, the girl snapped her fingers, the flame cage dissipated as early as the moment she swore the oath of heaven, but Mrs. Qiong Xun was still trapped by Ji Ge, Now that divine power exerts pressure, they are all crushed with ease.

The girl walked in that direction without hesitation, the corners of her swaying skirt were raised, and the curve was brilliant and thick.

——No, master...

The young man stumbled and wanted to catch up, but he could only watch her go further and further away.

He can only join the others in wishing her to sit high on the throne and enjoy the incense and reverence of eternity.

Thousands of years from now, we will never see each other again.

Jiang Wanchen's emotions suddenly collapsed.

When he tried to get closer to her but got farther and farther away, and finally felt that he would be satisfied as long as he could see her, he completely lost her.

"Congratulations... God Venerable."

 two more

  This plane is finally finished, it’s too difficult QAQ
  The original male protagonist has too many perspectives, so I wrote a special card
(End of this chapter)

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