Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 660 Confession please be early

Chapter 660 Confession Please Be Early (2)

Following Ji Ge's departure, there was a moment of silence in the private room.

Le Ye rolled her eyes: "I told you all to stop making fun of Ruan Ruan and Bai Shen. I said earlier that she is not interested in Bai Shen."

The loudest boy who booed just now is annoyed: "We were just kidding"

Le Ye sighed, looked at Bai Shen, propped his chin, and sincerely suggested: "Bai Shen, you just want to be more open, don't hang on this crooked neck tree like Ruan Ruan."

Bai Shen forced a smile: "I see."

Looking at it like this, it doesn't look like he has awakened, but he is clearly obsessed with obsession.But Le Ye is not surprised, this guy has been chasing Ji Ge for three or four years, making everyone around him know that he has a heart, but the Lord has never responded, and he has not changed his infatuation.

How could it be possible to be moved in just one or two sentences.

Sensing a stream of water flowing from the faucet, Ji Ge washed his hands slowly, looked at the mirror carefully, and left the bathroom after making sure that his makeup was clean.

Girls wear lace-up leather shoes, which make a rattling sound when they step on them.

Somewhat noticeable in a mostly deserted hallway.

Ji Ge didn't look sideways, and walked out along the long corridor.

Going to the bathroom is the reason, and getting out to breathe is the purpose.

The girl's wrist was suddenly grabbed at the corner of the first floor.

Ji Ge almost couldn't control his body's reaction, and gave this sudden striker a sharp shoulder throw.

Fortunately, he spoke out quickly, stopping Ji Ge's conditioned reflex.

"Can you help me?"

A clear and pleasant voice, with a hint of pleading, rang in Ji Ge's ears.

Ji Ge looked up slightly, looking at the person who suddenly stopped him.

In the dim light, the boy's luminous beauty is still conspicuous.

The black-haired and blue-eyed boy looked at Ji Ge with a cute and gentle expression, and bent slightly to match her height.

The tone is sticky and soft like a baby.

He let go of Ji Ge's wrist, and the corners of his bright red lips curled up slightly, with a sweet smile.

"Can you, sister?"

At the same time, the system beep sounded.

[Di, An Lian's current favorability value: ten. 】

Ji Ge was a little surprised.

Why does this strategy target who just met have such a high favorability value?

The girl looked closely at the boy in front of her.

He was born very good-looking, with a beautiful and delicate appearance, and his facial features, which are deeper than others, reveal the fact of mixed race. His black hair hangs down to his pointed ears, his eyelashes are curly and long, and his emerald eyes are like beautiful opals. , Cheli and clean.

The bridge of the nose is straight, the bright red lips are like May roses, the branches are in full bloom under the golden sun, the ivory white skin is cold, like a little prince living in a castle in a fairy tale.

He quietly waited for Ji Ge's answer, without urging.

Jige's ears pricked up, and he keenly caught the sound of a series of hurried footsteps in the bar, as if many people came in at the same time and spread out to search for something.

The girl raised her head, blinked her eyes, and responded, "How can I help?"

An Lian bent her lips, held Ji Ge's wrist, and lightly exchanged positions with the girl.

The boy's long legs were slightly bent, and he leaned against the wall for strength, and asked in a low voice, "You don't mind this kind of help, sister?"

Jige was overlapped by him, and the golden brown curly hair hung down and scattered on the chest of the person in front of him.

She didn't speak, just nodded.

From a distance, it's an intimate gesture.

The delicate and beautiful girl like a doll pressed the boy who couldn't see his face clearly, and pushed him against the wall. His face was so close that it was easy to see that the two were kissing.

It is still rare to see such a female-dominated posture, full of aggressiveness.

In fact, Ji Ge's face was simply leaning against An Lian's side face, with her head tilted slightly. The girl's breath had a slightly sweet aroma, and the sweet and fragrant fruit was full of him.

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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