Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 661 Confession please be early

Chapter 661 Confession Please Be Early (3)

The warm breath blew past his ears, the young man lowered his eyes silently, his slender fingers slightly hugged the girl's waist, and he was going to do a full set of acting, his snow-white fingertips curled up slightly, shaking lightly every now and then.

It's too close, the safe distance has been broken.

The girl's breath was strange and aggressive, but unexpectedly not annoying.

Ji Ge stood on tiptoe, feeling a little tired from standing, and pressed his fingers on the young man's shoulder for strength.

A group of people walked over, staring at the people coming and going, and seeing that they couldn't find the person they were looking for after wandering around, they couldn't help frowning.

Could it be that I was thinking wrong, the young master didn't hide here?

Some of them looked at Ji Ge and An Lian, but they only glanced roughly and didn't pay much attention.

Let alone whether their young master is willing to get close to a strange girl, it's just this posture.

How could their young master be the weak side.

After checking here, they quickly dispersed in twos and went to other places to search.

An Lian waited for a while to make sure that no one had noticed him before motioning for Ji Ge to let go. The young man thanked obediently, "Thank you sister for your help."

It's quite sweet to shout.

Ji Ge reminded: "They will find them later."

"If you want to hide from people," Ji Ge didn't ask him why the group of people came to him, but said: "Come with me."

An Lian weighed it. Those people must have guessed that he was hiding in the bar. Even if he escaped for a while, they would come back later.

It's not so easy to get rid of after a while.

The boy obediently followed Ji Ge and walked to the private room on the second floor.

They are still looking for it on the first floor, and the second floor is temporarily safe.

Ji Ge pushed open the door of the private room, and the room was full of noise.

The girl faltered slightly.

—she wanted to go out again.

Le Ye caught a glimpse of the person with sharp eyes, and stopped when he saw the strange boy following Ji Ge: "Ruan Ruan...is he?"

"I met on the road." Ji Ge replied casually, led An Lian back to the corner of the private room, and continued to absent himself.

Bai Shen's eyes dimmed slightly.

The young man's appearance is too stunning, his beauty is not real, standing next to the equally outstanding Ji Ge, it looks very pleasing to the eye.

The voice in the private room was lowered a bit, and everyone's attention was involuntarily focused on the two people in the corner.

It's a pity that Ji Ge didn't realize that he was concerned.

The girl picked up the fruit plate on the glass table, pushed it towards the boy, and asked lazily, "Are you an adult?"

"I'm eighteen, sister." The boy leaned over, the shadow fell, Ji Ge slightly raised his eyes, and he picked up a glass of wine from the girl.She took her away before she had time to drink, and said with a serious face: "Eighteen is not allowed, students are forbidden to drink."

An Lian's lips were slightly pursed, revealing a soft and cute dimple on her cheek, black hair drooped obediently over her forehead, emerald green eyes were half-closed like a cat, and Ji Ge thought of the puppet cat at home, and her hands were a little itchy.

"Well, listen to my sister."

Ji Ge lightly tsk, goblin.

Le Ye ate some melons at the side, looked at Bai Shen, who tried his best to hide but still showed a bit of disappointment, coughed, and stepped forward: "We are going to play truth or dare, Ruan Ruan will come or not?" ?”

"It's boring, I won't come." Jige refused decisively.

Le Ye glanced at An Lian ambiguously, and made an OK gesture to the little sister: "Then let's go play, you two get along well."

Ji Ge ate a piece of cantaloupe with a small fork, and heard An Lian ask, "Is my sister using me as a shield?"

"It's just helping each other."

 Three shifts

(End of this chapter)

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