Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 662 Confession please be early

Chapter 662 Confession Please Be Early (4)

An Lian smiled lightly, glanced down, and the moment the girl raised her hand, she saw a faint black spot on the inside of her wrist, which was particularly conspicuous on the fair skin.

Like a tattoo or something.

The boy thought about it.

Generally speaking, this kind of tattoos are for people you like, and they are in such conspicuous places as the wrist.

Already have someone you like?
There was a knock on the door, Le Ye was close, thinking it was a waiter, walked over to open the door.

Unexpectedly, it was a man he didn't know, with a fierce temperament.

Le Ye was shocked, and took a step back subconsciously, almost thinking that someone among them had caused trouble.

"Excuse me," the other party said very politely, "Have you seen a boy with black hair and emerald eyes, who is very good-looking."

Le Ye abruptly resisted the urge to look back at Ji Ge: "No."

"Excuse me." The other party closed the door, Le Ye turned his head, just about to ask what happened to Ji Ge, but was stunned by the scene in front of him.

How did these two stick together so quickly?

When the man opened the door, Ji Ge glanced over, and probably recognized that it was the person who came to arrest An Lian. The girl took the initiative to bully her, and knelt down beside the boy, holding his shoulders with both hands, her spine slightly bent, Stretched a straight arc: "The person came up."

"What?" Ji Ge's voice was too low, An Lian didn't hear it, she lowered her head naturally, her slender lips lightly brushed the girl's white and shiny forehead, as if branding a soft and tender kiss like a feather.

Ji Ge paused.

The young man looked innocent, his voice was extremely low, and he blew the tiny hair around the girl's ear: "Sorry, sister."

Ji Ge straightened up: "It's okay, I know you didn't mean it."

An Lian stared at her silently for a while, and found that the girl seemed to really not care, and her bright red lips pursed even tighter.

Unexplainable emotions came.

"An Lian," An Lian said suddenly, "Liang Yan Lian."

Ji Ge frowned: "Ruan Ji Ge, the silence of silence, the song of singing."

The party didn't end until 11:30 in the evening. Seeing that they were going to stay up all night, Ji Ge greeted the organizers and prepared to go back first.

"It's not safe to go back alone at such a late hour." Ji Ge drank alcohol and couldn't drive. She made an appointment for a car in advance. The girl parked beside the car and said kindly, "Where do you live? I'll take you back."

"I can't go back for the time being," An Lian said, and Ji Ge took advantage of the situation to look over. Under the dim light of the parking lot, the young man's hair was dyed with a faint light, and his eyes were lowered, as if he was only wet by the rain. Poor Mao Mao: "Those people may still be blocking my door."

He casually made up an excuse: "My dad owed them a lot of money, and now that he's gone, they're after me."

Ji Ge didn't say whether he believed it or not: "Come up first."

The girl told the driver a location, then closed her eyes and leaned back in the chair, feeling drowsy.

An Lian didn't look at her, the boy raised his face, and the driver glanced in the rearview mirror, there was a considerable distance between them, the boy's brows and eyes were light, and his expression was cold.

Compared with just now, it looks like two people.

Noticing the driver's eyes, An Lian looked at him and met his gaze.The youthful opal-like beautiful and clear blue eyes are lazy and noble, like a quiet lake, reflecting the faint and clear color of emeralds in the night.

The driver immediately looked back at this emotionless glance, and his heart beat a little faster.

Obviously the boy didn't do anything, but he was inexplicably afraid.

 four shifts

  Changed the settings, but the human settings did not change.

  Rewrote it again, owed two updates tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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