Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 687 Confession please be early

An Lian was wrapped into rice dumplings by the doctor.

The teenager's right arm was tightly bandaged from the elbow to the fingers, put on a plaster cast, and wrapped in bandages.

Originally, there was no need for such a solid bag, but Ji Ge strongly demanded it.

Ji Ge originally planned to stay in the hospital overnight, to see An Lian's situation before deciding whether he should be hospitalized or not.

But An Lian didn't like the smell of disinfectant in the hospital very much, and wanted to go back, so Ji Ge asked Le Ye to go back first, and took An Lian home by himself.

The headlights in the house were not turned on, and the small lights were dimly on.After a thrilling night, his consciousness was still caught in the whistling wind and the unexpected fight just now, and his heartbeat hadn't calmed down yet, but all his eyes touched were familiar and peaceful breaths.

Ji Ge relaxed, and Doudou, who was out day and night, crawled out after hearing the sound, begging for food.

Only then did Ji Ge realize that he forgot to feed the cat before he left, so he hurried to the kitchen, took out the cat food from the cupboard, tore it open, and poured it into the cat bowl.

The puppet cat has a wave of business, and it rubs against the shit shovel officer's leg intentionally, which is regarded as a reward.

The fluffy little cutie makes people feel happy physically and mentally. Ji Ge's originally cloudy mood improved a bit, picked up the cat, and started sucking the cat.

Doudou, who was in a hurry to eat, was so sucked that she couldn't love her, and she spread her limbs and let her ravage her.

"Sister," An Lian didn't know when she stood at the door of the kitchen: "Can you pour me a glass of water?"

Ji Ge slapped his head, and then remembered that the boy was inconvenient to move. The girl ran to the water dispenser and poured him a half cup of warm water.

The boy sat on the sofa and raised his face slightly.

Ji Ge belatedly remembered that An Lian couldn't drink water by himself now, so he held the cup and fed him water.

The boy bowed his waist a little in cooperation, and the girl was a little shorter than him, hanging her wrist to feed him a little bit.

The glass was slowly tilted, and the water wetted the young man's bright red lips, stained with a layer of moist and shiny water.

The swallowing sound was a little obvious in the quiet living room.

Ji Ge was upset, impatiently thinking about the dangerous topic that Le Ye just mentioned.

She was distracted, and when she regained consciousness, the water had already splashed onto the boy's shirt.

The girl frantically took back the cup, but she became unsteady, and the cup fell to the ground with a bang, breaking into pieces.

The crunch is crisp.

Ji Ge was stunned for a moment, her mind was not clear now, she turned a little slowly, and directly reached out to pick up the broken glass.

An Lian took a step too late to stop her: "Sister, don't pick it up, be careful to cut your hands."

"?" Ji Ge looked up blankly.

The boy just lowered his head.

The girl's lips smacked the young man's chin viciously, and Ji Ge wanted to back away with a hiss, but the young man's intact left hand held the wrist and stopped her movement.

Breathing gradually, the slender lips pressed down, and the desire to move around in the car was finally relieved for a moment.

It was only a moment of bonding, the boy tasted a little sweetness, the girl's lips were far softer than he imagined, the slender eyelashes lifted, and the panic in the girl's eyes was reflected in the bright green eyes.

She opened her round eyes in a daze, unresponsive.

An Lian backed away: "Sister, clean up these broken glass tomorrow."

The boy bent his lips and smiled, "Good night."

Ji Ge blinked, but didn't understand how this person had the cheek to take advantage and pretend that nothing happened.The girl replied slowly, wondering if An Lian was impulsive just now.

The situation was not clear, Ji Ge cautiously did not move first, and returned to the bedroom.

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