Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 688 Confession please be early

When Ji Ge returned to the bedroom, Jiu Jiu, who dared to take advantage of its owner, finally spoke after being covered by the system in time.

The main reason is that I am not very proficient in business, what happened just now was too fast, the system was blocked, but a chirp was missed, fortunately, the system reacted too quickly and stopped Qi Ling who was about to curse.

"Master, is that person your partner?"

Facing Jiujiu's soul questioning, Jige fell silent for a while.

Ji Ge also doesn't understand the relationship between her and Di Xi now, but the target of the raid on the small plane should have nothing to do with this deity.

Ji Ge answered affirmatively: "No."

The system is also tangled.

The main god has not yet awakened, so the relationship between him and the host is indeed rather vague, and it is not easy to force Jige to admit it.

But, now why there is a sense of aggrieved scum girl who eats up and refuses to admit it.

The system glanced secretly at the host and Qi Ling, and silently reported to the higher authorities, remember to turn on Jiujiu when blocking it next time.

The two big light bulbs will be neatly put into the small black room.

Ji Ge slept until dawn, and woke up the next day to recover.

Thinking that An Lian was injured now, the girl jumped up and hurriedly changed her clothes to ask An Lian's opinion.

As a result, I looked around and found that the person hadn't gotten up yet.

It's rare that An Lian got up later than himself.

Ji Ge couldn't wait any longer and knocked on An Lian's door.

After a few knocks, the door was opened.

The boy's voice was still a bit hazy and hoarse as he just woke up, and he asked softly, "What's the matter, sister?"

The bright morning light lingered over the young man's fine black hair, which was covered with a layer of fluffy light gold. The delicate and beautiful young man's green eyes were bleary, his breath was lazy, and he was not good.

Ji Ge covered his heart, and couldn't help but want to touch the boy's head.

The girl approached on tiptoe, her movements were a bit unexpected to An Lian, but after reacting, the boy leaned over slightly and let the girl's hand land on his head smoothly.

After a few random rubbings like a cat, Ji Ge backed away and asked about business: "Do you still want to go to school today?"

An Lian replied decisively: "Go."

Ji Ge tilted his head, amused: "I thought boys as old as you should be happy not to go to school?"

"But staying at home is also boring," the young boy Nuonuo said, the kiss last night was unanimously ignored by them: "My sister will go to school too."

"Yes." Ji Ge looked at the class schedule, and there is her class today, which is from another class.

"I go to school with my sister."

"Okay." Ji Ge agreed, communicated with the head teacher, explained An Lian's situation, and agreed that they would come back after morning reading.

Auntie would prepare breakfast for Ji Ge on time every day. Since An Lian came, three meals a day have become double portions.

Today's breakfast is fried bacon with a sandwich and a small glass of milk.

The young man's hands were inconvenient, so Ji Ge thoughtfully cut the bacon for him, and inserted a straw into the glass for the milk, so that An Lian could drink it easily.

Looking at the messy cut bacon on the plate, An Lian said, "..."

He felt that Ji Song might be threatening him.

"Eat." The girl raised a small fork with a sliced ​​sandwich stuck in it, and said aggressively.

An Lian, who didn't trick Ji Ge into serving it with her own hands, felt a little regretful, and lowered her head to bite down on the sandwich.

Ji Ge only fed one piece, and she cut the rest of the sandwich into small pieces for An Lian to insert with a fork.

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