Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 689 Confession please be early

An Lian's injury caused a small commotion in the class.

Although the boy has not been transferred to the class for a long time, he has a large number of stable fans because of his good looks. Although the confession is politely rejected by the boy, I hope it will not prevent them from admiring the beauty of the prosperous age.

As a result, now, the good and beautiful boy has injured a hand.

Yan Gou burst into tears.

What a pity.

An Lian didn't care much about other people's eyes. The boy propped his chin and scribbled on the paper with his good left hand.

His deskmate was particularly shocked by this skill of the transfer students.

The teenager's left hand is not as flexible as his right hand, but because he trained for a while when he was bored, it is not much different from ordinary people's writing.

An Lian lowered his eyes, black hair half covered the boy's forehead, he looked at the clean paper, and slowly wrote three words.

— Ruan Jige.

An Lian didn't know what to think of, the corners of her lips slightly raised.

The overly beautiful young man had a clear smile, and the dimples on his snow-white cheeks were sweet and intoxicating. Ban Huakan, who had been secretly paying attention to this side, had his heart pounding and slammed his eyes shut.

Ahhh, classmate An Lian is so pretty.

When it was time for the big break, An Lian got up, took an empty water glass, and was about to go to the office to fetch hot water.

The corridors are full of noisy students. The study pressure in the third year of senior high school is very tight, and they only have such a short time to catch their breath.

An Lian passed through the crowd and was stopped by Ban Hua at the corner of the aisle.

After class, Ban Hua took a special look in the mirror and put on some lipstick again, only after making sure that she was radiant at the moment did she quickly catch up with the boy, and summoned up her courage, "Student An Lian, wait a minute."

The young man stopped in his tracks, Ban Hua happened to be on the way to the office, and if he wanted to go to the office, he had to bypass Ban Hua.

An Lian's brows were cold and distant: "What's the matter?"

Ban Hua took a peek at the boy's injured arm, stumbled and said, "Does An Lian want to fetch water? Let me fetch water for you."

There is a special water room in the grade, but it needs to be used by the students on the first floor, so there are many people before get out of class is over, and sometimes it takes a long time to queue.

If you don't want to wait, you can go to the teacher's office to fetch water.

Banhua doesn't need to fetch water by herself, she has a lot of attendants, just ask, and there will be a large group of boys willing to help her go to the water room to line up to fetch water.

Talking about this now is just to create an opportunity to talk to An Lian.

Both of them can be regarded as influential figures in the third year of high school. The eyes of the students in the corridor fell on the two of them calmly, circling back and forth, secretly guessing the relationship between the two of them.

An Lian is doomed to disappoint Ban Hua's kindness.

Before Banhua finished speaking, the young man continued her words smoothly: "Thank you, but it's not troublesome."

The name was not mentioned because An Lian didn't remember the other party's name.

For him, Banhua is no different from other students in the class.

People who can't provide fun and are not interesting enough have no name in him.

Nor does he need to remember their names.

Peeling off the disguised, gentle mask, the boy is actually quite a cold and easy-going person.

Ban Hua, who was rejected, choked. Seeing that An Lian was going to leave after passing her, she no longer cared about being reserved, and stretched out her hand to stop her. The sudden courage made her emboldened.

"Student An Lian, I like you."

The students next to him didn't expect to see such an explosive scene, and booed accordingly.

"Thank you." Looking at the girl's shy and beautiful face, An Lian's expression was unexpectedly calm.

The boy's tone was cold: "I have someone I like."

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