Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 690 Confession please be early

Ban Hua stared at An Lian's face in a daze. The boy treated her no differently from other girls, and rejected her in the same way.

Her eyes were red, and she felt a burning embarrassment, and she pushed away from the crowd of onlookers and ran away.

The melon eaters were silent, but An Lian continued to walk towards the office calmly.

Pushing open the door, the young man immediately saw Ji Ge who was crouching on the office chair and playing games secretly.

Caught off guard, Ji Ge, who was all focused on the game, exploded all over, and met An Lian's eyes as soon as he looked up.

The young man answered the question of what the class teacher was doing here, thinking that it was inconvenient for An Lian to fetch water because he was really injured, and just as the loving class teacher was about to take the boy's water glass, Ji Ge came over: "Let me fetch water for him."

The head teacher suddenly said, "Yes, you two are also getting closer."

Ji Ge walked over in slow, small steps, took the boy's water glass, and poured him a full glass of hot water.

"Come to the office at noon," the girl's voice was deliberately lowered because there were other people in the office. "The driver will deliver the food, so you don't have to go to the cafeteria to squeeze with others."

The boy's voice was obedient and soft: "I see, sister."

Ji Ge didn't say anything, and handed the full water glass to An Lian.

The recess was almost over, so An Lian didn't stay in the office any longer and went back to the classroom.

By noon, there were not many people in the office except some teachers who took the time to prepare lessons seriously.

The driver delivered the lunch box to the office, Ji Ge waited for An Lian to come over, and found a secluded place to sit down and eat.

Before Ji Ge could move his chopsticks, Ruan's father called to tell Ji Ge about the results of those people last night.

Ruan's father was very efficient, and fully demonstrated what it meant to be a strong dragon that never overwhelms a local snake. He specially found someone and beat up the group of people covered with sacks.

After the beating, he took a photo and sent it to Ji Ge for appreciation.

Seeing those faces that were arrogant yesterday but now bruised and swollen from beatings, Ji Ge raised the corners of his lips and slid his fingers, giving his reliable father a big praise without hesitation.

The person beside him paused, and his tone was light and normal, "What are you looking at, why are you smiling so happily?"

Ji Ge simply put the mobile phone page in front of the boy, and let him enjoy it together: "I was watching the tragedy of that group of people last night."

An Lian's eyelashes fluttered, and her eyes shifted slightly. She saw the girl's slender and fair wrist, with a little blackness on the inside, which looked very obtrusive.

The young man pursed his lips even tighter, even when he saw the amusing bruises on the photo, he didn't react, and said "Oh" lightly.

Why are you suddenly unhappy?

Ji Ge couldn't figure it out, tilted his head in a daze, and met the young man's gaze.

The beautiful young man who was as delicate as crystal pursed his lips and smiled, with dimples on his cheeks looming, his voice was sticky, sweet and soft like a baby: "My hand is not convenient, sister feed me."

Ji Ge calmly put down his chopsticks, and refused without much hesitation: "I don't."

Will the eldest lady do this kind of thing of serving people? !

She doesn't want to.

An Lian, who was rejected, lowered her eyes somewhat disappointed, and didn't continue to pester, but "clumsily" got all the vegetables and rice on the floor when eating.

When the contents of the boy's lunch box fell on the ground for the third time, Ji Ge couldn't take it anymore, the girl fiercely snatched the chopsticks from his hand, and picked up a dish: "Open your mouth."

It's not like feeding, but like poisoning.

The boy bent his eyes, opened his mouth obediently, and let Ji Ge feed him.

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