Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 727 Confession please be early

As the vehicle drove into the parking lot, Ji Ge touched the boy's forehead: "I'm home, wake up."

An Lian slowly opened his eyes, the boy was stunned, and he called out in a low voice.

"Song of Silence."

"Stop calling me sister?" Ji Ge was a bit curious.

An Lian seems to know what type she likes best, so she deliberately pretends to be good, and Ji Ge also likes him. Every time they cooperate, the two of them have a silent tacit understanding.

"Well," the young man raised his head, his clear eyes gleamed under the soft light of the headlights, reflecting the clear and clear color of a green lake, he shook his head, and shouted again: "Song of Silence."

Ji Ge: "Are you sober?"

"woke up."

Ji Ge opened the car door: "Go up when you wake up."

There is no one in the parking lot, and there are clusters of gray and black in the field of vision, and the place not illuminated by the light is deep and dark, as if a giant beast is dormant, waiting for people to fall into the trap.

Ji Ge entered the elevator with ease, the elevator door opened and closed, she pressed the floor, and watched the elevator go up step by step.

Soon after arriving in front of the apartment, Ji Ge opened the door and said without looking back, "Go take a shower first."

She heard the boy behind her hum, and after waiting for someone to enter the bathroom, Ji Ge went to pour cat food for Doudou, and sucked a soft puppet cat by the way.

The boy came out quickly, cleaned himself up, got up contentedly after smoking the cat's Jige, and went in to take a bath.

The girl who changed into a clean nightgown rattled into the room, still lingering with wet moisture all over her body, she yawned and rubbed her eyes: "Shall we sleep together?"

The young man was sitting on the bed, playing with a headband with his head down. Ji Ge recognized it. It was An Lian's choice when they were shopping. She didn't like this style very much. It was pure black and plain color, without any decorations. In line with the aesthetics of the eldest lady.

But now, the pure black hair band was wrapped around the beautiful boy's slender white fingers, he raised his eyes and smiled slowly: "Okay."

The hair band was hooked by the little finger, bypassing the eyes and sinking into the black hair.

Ji Ge was stunned: "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing." The boy's slender lips curved slightly: "Sister, do you want to play?"

playing what?
Ji Ge's eyes fell on An Lian.

The beautiful boy of mixed race sat obediently on the bed. The collar of his pajamas was loose, half revealing his delicate and slender collarbone. The light was coated with a layer of light glaze, which seemed to be shining.

The cold and blue eyes were covered by the hair band, only the straight bridge of the nose and the bright red lips were exposed. The lips were beautiful and delicate, and the dimples on the cheeks were faint, brewing a sweetness like honey.

Black and white collide to produce amazing colors, with a kind of erosive and glamorous beauty.

Like poppy, addictive.

His words hinted: "Ji Ge can do whatever he wants."

The ending sound is soft, with the meaning of seduction.

Ji Ge swallowed his saliva.

It wasn't that she was not strong-willed, it was because the enemy was too cunning to resort to the trick of bewitching her with beauty.

She was duped for nothing.

Before the action, Ji Ge made sure again: "Whatever is fine for you?"

"Yes," the boy asked, "Don't you want to try Ji Ge?"

"That's fine."

Ji Ge willingly jumped into the pit.


The next day, the girl hugged the quilt with a dazed expression. She turned her face slowly and looked at the harmless young man who was still sleeping next to her, feeling inexplicably sad and indignant.


There are still some red marks on the girl's wrist
She choked up: "An Lian is a big liar."

Hearing the sound, the sleeping boy raised his body slightly, and greeted Ji Ge with his lips bent: "Morning, Ji Ge."

Ji Ge turned his head, not wanting to talk to him.

To some extent, An Lian really never suffers.

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