Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 728 Confession please be early

After the results of the college entrance examination were announced, An Lian unexpectedly got the highest score in the province.

If it is a real comparison, his score is No.1 in the whole country.

As soon as the boy's grades came out, he attracted attention from all directions, and An's phone was almost ringing. When Ji Ge was free, he also asked An Lian which school he wanted to go to.

"Big A." An Lian obviously had plans, and answered without hesitation for a second.

"I want to go to the same school as Jige." University A is also Jige's alma mater.

Ji Ge rubbed the boy's black hair: "Then you will become my apprentice."

The young man grabbed her wrist, defeating Ji Ge's intention to pull away. He lowered his head and wrapped his slender fingertips in warmth. Ji Ge's eyebrows twitched, and he felt a little bad.

She tried to escape before things got out of control: "I still have something to do, so I'm going to the company first."

The pointed canines gritted the soft fingertips, and the boy said vaguely, "I'll go with my sister."

Jige choked up, so let's not use it.

In the end, she still didn't go to the company, and spent a day at home with the boy in tears.

If I knew that day, I shouldn't be so easily fooled.

It's over for real.

Due to some unspeakable reasons, during the summer vacation of Jige, she worked extremely hard.

And teenagers also began to study freshman courses.

He is smart, and his freshman courses are easy to learn.

You can often see such a picture in the president's office. The girl sits in front of the office chair and browses documents, while the boy sits on the sofa and studies freshman courses by himself.

He applied for the finance department, and mathematics accounted for a large proportion. Ji Ge sometimes marveled at his learning speed, and specially used examples to test him.

The two didn't talk much, but there was a silent understanding in the air.

In August, Ji Ge, who was tired from work and even more tired from staying at home, secretly planned an escape plan, and made an appointment with Le Ye to go to a small country in Western Europe.

But it was An Lian who Ji Ge managed to get on the plane with the girl.

Ji Ge was completely dumbfounded.

Le Ye apologized to Ji Ge on WeChat.

Coconut: "Uuuuuuuuuan, I don't want to, but I was tricked by him. Your family is really scary, and the trip went well."

The broadcast was reminding people to turn off their mobile phones, Ji Ge was like a mourning concubine, and secretly glanced at An Lian.

The young man behaved normally, he put the suitcase for her, and reminded him friendly: "Ji Ge, next time you want to escape, please hide it better."

He bent his eyes: "Your acting skills are really not very good."

Ji Ge, who was humiliated by her acting skills, slapped the table and said unconvinced: "Nonsense, my acting skills are obviously fine." She has deceived so many people before, and she has never been found out that something is wrong.

The boy held the girl's face in his hands: "It's no problem."

He said slowly: "It may be that I am more concerned about Jige, so I immediately discovered Jige's flaw."

Shocked that this topic was too dangerous, Ji Ge shut up decisively.

Lonely Song chose a classic tourist attraction with excellent scenery and the unique style of Western Europe in the [-]th century. The Rococo style is passionate and gorgeous, with round towers and spires.

An Lian put away the suitcase and walked outside with Ji Ge.

The boy behaved so that Ji Ge thought that the matter of sneaking away was over.

As a result, that night, she knew how much An Lian held a grudge.

The girl's voice became hoarse from the torment, and she finally fell asleep from exhaustion.

When his consciousness was confused, the boy picked up her sweaty long hair and whispered something in the girl's ear.

J'ai envie de vivre avec toi
J'ai envie de rester avec toi
Toute la vie, de rester avec toi
Toute la vie, toute la vie, toute la vie”

"What?" Ji Ge was so sleepy that he couldn't even open his eyes.

"It's nothing."

They were actually a few French love poems that the boy had heard read when he was abroad, and he was quite impressed by some of them.

The translation is——

i want to live with you

i long to live with you

I long to be with you
forever with you
forever forever forever
Reading love poems, full of love.

You are my secret hidden between words.

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