Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 760 Did Eros turn over today?

Chapter 760 Did Eros Overturn Today (31)

Due to the posture problem, Ji Ge couldn't see Angus' face, and couldn't guess the boy's mood at the moment from his expression.

But the fragility in his tone was too obvious, almost overflowing.

"how come?"

Ji Song didn't know what the Lich had said to him, and considered his words: "How could Angus be a monster."

She bent her eyes and said with a smile: "It's my treasure."

With some nasty and coaxing words, Ji Ge was satisfied to see the young man covering his face with his hands, his snow-white ears flushed.

It's kind of fun, but it's a pity that there are things to do now, and I can't patronize the funny.

Ji Ge, who was full of provocative skills, regretted that he had unloaded his burden, walked briskly, and searched the house carefully again, and found some relics of the victim.

There are quite a lot of scattered things piled up together.

Lonely Song dialed Earl Keene's communication. In order to avoid trouble, she hid Angus' figure and briefly explained that she had solved the dark creature that caused trouble.

Earl Keane responded quickly, saying that he would send someone over to check the aftermath.

Ji Ge, who finished the work, was in a good mood, and smiled sideways: "Angus, we can go back."

The young man responded in a low voice, the heat in his ears still lingering.

Ji Ge didn't go back to the Earl's Mansion, otherwise it would be too surprising that Angus would grow from a child to a teenager after not seeing him for a while, so she took Angus back to the hotel where he stayed before for fear of causing unnecessary trouble.

Ji Ge's appearance was too outstanding, the servant recognized the guest immediately, and his curious and inquiring eyes fell behind Ji Ge.

The slender and tall figure was shrouded under the black robe, only revealing a delicate and white chin and thin lips.

I can't see the face clearly, but it is inexplicably familiar.

The servant thought hard, but still couldn't figure out where he had seen him.

Ji Ge asked for a double room. Due to the presence of the Lich, the traffic in Starly City has decreased a lot, so there are still many vacant rooms.

There are two beds in the spacious room, separated by a not-so-short distance, Ji Ge shakes off the quilt on his own bed, spreads the pillows and prepares to lie down sleepily.

Angus didn't move, and kept looking at Ji Ge with abandoned eyes. In the end, the girl couldn't bear the pressure of his eyes. She got up lazily, hugged the pillow, and said seriously: "Angus, you have grown up. , It’s time to learn to sleep alone.”

The girl's shoulders and back were covered with long silk satin hair scattered like seaweed. She rested her chin sleepily on the fluffy pillow, and sunken a little light arc, like a deep sea vortex, carrying those loose strands of hair.

The amber eyes were half closed, revealing a tired mood.

Angus stared at her with grievance hidden in his eyes.

Ji Song did not waver: "Angus."

It was obvious what she meant, but Angus still didn't want to sleep alone.

The lich's words stirred up the most sensitive nerves in the young man's heart. Now Angus is in a time of worrying about gains and losses, and he is becoming more and more clingy.

"I want to sleep with you, Gabriela." The boy moved to the side of the bed, looking at Ji Ge eagerly.

His lacquered pupils were black and beautiful, with tiny ripples in his pupils, watery, and acted like a baby silently.

The two stood still.

Ji Ge has a headache, how should he tell the young man who lacks common sense that in this world, even brothers and sisters should avoid suspicion at such an age.

What's more, the beauty is too close, and Ji Ge is afraid that if he loses control at night, the gentle and reliable sister who stands in front of Angus will collapse.

"Really not?"


 two more

(End of this chapter)

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