Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 761 Did Eros turn over today?

Chapter 761 Did Eros Overturn Today (32)

Ji Ge... didn't hold back.

The boy's tone was really too provocative, as soft as a feather, with an unconscious sense of seduction.

She blinked her eyes and rubbed her numb ears: "Angus, where did you get this name from?"

"?" The boy hesitated and said, "Can't we call it that?"

His obsidian black eyes are ignorant, and when the beautiful and seductive boy smiles, he will show his white sharp fangs, which are faintly visible, and there is a hint of perverseness in the sweetness, blending a contradictory and flamboyant beauty.

"But Gabriela is my master."

Jige was dumbfounded, not knowing how to refute.

After all, she was indeed the one who picked Angus back from the dark forest without breaking his shell.

From this perspective, it's okay for him to call her master.

It just sounds a little weird.

The girl was silent for a while, tangled and ravaged the pillow, and finally compromised.


She stretched out a finger, seriously emphasizing.

"Just this time."

The boy bent his lips and hummed vaguely.

As for the meaning of this sound, it depends on Ji Ge's own understanding.

The girl moved aside to make room for Angus.

The slightly sweet and familiar sweet aroma of milk lingered as the boy approached, reassuring Ji Ge.

Ji Ge finally regained the familiarity between him and his childhood, and slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

The boy's growth rate is too amazing. Even though he is clearly the same person as the child this morning, it still takes a process to accept it psychologically.

"Sleep." Silent Song blew out the candle.

The room darkened instantly, deprived of vision, and other senses became more acute.

Ji Ge closed his eyes, feeling that the quilt beside him had sunk slightly, the young man paused, as if he was not satisfied with the distance between the two, he moved to Ji Ge's side again.

It's like a candy bar.

This thought vaguely flashed through Ji Ge's mind, and fell asleep from exhaustion.

When she woke up again, it was already dawn, and the girl opened her eyes. She hadn't completely escaped from sleep, and she was a little dazed.

She was hugged by Angus, the boy was still sleeping, his sleeping face was peaceful and harmless, and he could even see a bit of cuteness and innocence.

It's a pity that it's white and black.

Afraid of disturbing Angus's sleep, Lone Song didn't get up, lightly lighted up the magic communicator on his wrist, and communicated with Earl Keene.

Since Angus was abducted in the Earl's Mansion, Earl Keane expressed 100% understanding that Lone Song stayed in the hotel instead of the guest room to be returned. At the same time, he also explained in detail the discovery of the log cabin in the center of the lake Condition.

The skeletons of many victims were found outside the log cabin, and not all the skeletons could be made into puppets or used as raw materials for magic.

A body that is too fragile can't support the magic ritual, and the puppets created in this way are too weak, so the lich took them captive purely out of provocation and teasing interest, and finally became the nourishment for the plants outside the wooden house.

Ji Ge is not interested in the follow-up, she is mainly concerned about when the agreed remuneration will be settled.

Fortunately, Earl Keen was very kind. He asked Ji Ge about how many days they would stay in Starly City, and got a reply that the two were leaving soon, saying that they would send someone to bring the reward soon.

After the chat, Lone Song turned off the magic communicator, nestled in Angus' arms, and continued to sleep.

She was awakened by a knock on the door.

The girl realized that it was getting late: "Angus, wake up."

 Three shifts

  There is one more to write tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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