Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 829 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 829 The Most Wanted Interstellar (4)

The young man in neat military uniform walked through the winding corridor expressionlessly, the golden epaulettes reflecting a faint luster, cold and cold.

From time to time, military officers passing by saluted him and called Major General Wade respectfully. The men just nodded slightly, and the elevator went up to the highest floor. After their identity was verified, the metal door opened.

"Marshal, General Nelson has arrived at the headquarters today, when will we set off?"

The young man sitting at the table raised his eyes lightly.

His voice was cold.

"Leave after the official handover of the affairs here."


The young man responded, his eyes fell on the girdle on the young man's slender neck, and there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

But he is a subordinate, and it is a bounden duty for soldiers to obey orders, so he will not question the orders of his superiors.

"The speaker sent a message." The young man turned a blind eye to Wade's entanglement, tapped his snow-white fingertips, and the light blue light screen was projected. The message from the person in charge of the Federation was at the top, indicating that it had been read.

"When we return, we need to go to the severe punishment prison to inspect and check that everything is correct."


"Go down."

Xavier nodded slightly, his expression cold.

The decoration of the room is cold, and the silvery white color is not pleasing to some people. They lashed out at this color on the star network, saying that it lacks warmth. They pulled together a group of supporters and voted loudly, wanting to change Confederate preference for this color.

But silver and white suit him very well.

The loose silver hair hangs down to the shoulders, like scattered thin and cold snow, or like a slender and tall crystal orchid growing in the dark and moist soil, with a flower-like color, and the smoky pupils are very strange, like embers The silence smudges the late night sky, presenting a cold and desolate texture.

The appearance of the young man is beautiful and cold, without the thinness and slenderness of a young man, there is a kind of coldness and indifference that strangers should not get close to, like a statue of a god enshrined in a temple, it is a kind of beauty that is too delicate and suitable for looking up at.

He turned off the optical brain and stopped watching.

Jige successfully got acquainted with Erica relying on his own affinity.

After all, having experienced so many planes, the girl is very familiar with interpersonal communication, as long as she wants to, she can easily establish a good relationship with anyone.

Not to mention being as silly as Erica.

"Ji Ge, will your hair be loose all the time, won't it be uncomfortable?"

Erica asked curiously.

The girl replied softly: "It's a bit inconvenient, but unfortunately I don't have a hair tie."

"Hey." Erica touched her long hair, which was braided into a complicated pattern today, using a lot of exquisite headbands.

When Erica was considering whether to remove one and give it to Jige, the girl's eyes fell on her hand.

"Can Erica give me the pen?" Ji Song asked briskly.

"Okay," Erica handed out the pen in a daze, "but what do you want for Ji Ge?"

Ji Ge didn't answer, the slender pen was held between the girl's fingers, she moved deftly, and easily coiled her long black hair with a pen.

Erica was a little shocked: "Jige is so powerful."

"Nothing," Ji Ge smiled shyly, and the girl said softly, "I like Erica's pen very much." She raised her eyebrows and asked plainly, "Can Erica give it to me?"

"of course can."

There is no surveillance in the cell, and a private space for the prisoners to breathe is thoughtfully left.

The pen was disassembled, and the small parts were scattered on the bed.

Jika selected useful parts and restored the pen to its original state.

At least in appearance, there is no difference.

Senior personnel in the military know that they must not give redundant things to weapons experts.

Because they can use those seemingly innocuous daily items to combine deadly weapons.


The author has something to say: This plane was written before, and it was deleted once because of violation of regulations, but some little angels said they liked it very much, so they changed the settings and rewritten it, so some treasures may have read it.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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