Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 830 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 830 The Most Wanted Interstellar (5)

The release time in the severe punishment prison is quite free.

The prisoners held here are all vicious and vicious, and the guards don't bother to restrain them, and they are basically in a state of laissez-faire.

But this does not mean that prisoners will not be punished for fighting.

The most direct example is Uriah who just had a fight with the prisoner.

The prison's alarm beeped, and the guards who received the notification rushed to the scene of the fight, including Erica who had just arrived at the Severe Penalty Prison, and Ji Ge who went to eat melons and watch a show together.

The two men wrestling together belonged to the type of physical strength, and the fighting was very fierce.

Surrounded by prisoners who have the same thoughts as Ji Ge, after all, the prison lacks entertainment equipment, and they usually only like this.

"0112, 0098," the guards snapped, "stop now."

He held a deterrent miniature anti-matter cannon in his hand, and was going to beat the two of them to the ground if they didn't obey.

Ulea had stayed in the army before, and as a top pacifier, even if all five senses were forcibly sealed, she still had the upper hand in this fight.

Facing the guards, the man threw his opponent away, raised his hand to wipe the blood from his mouth, his eyes were cold and his demeanor was fierce.

Like a dormant peerless beast.

"Erica," the guards called out to Erica, "bandage the wounds of the two of you."

Erica was taken aback: "...Yes."

Facing Uriah, who had a terrifying aura, Erica felt a little subconsciously afraid, and she whispered, "Please come with me."

Ulea turned her head indifferently, glanced at the crowd lightly, and glanced at Ji Ge casually.

The girl was among the prisoners, quiet and introverted, not conspicuous.

She smiled at him, with interest in her eyes.

Uriah looked away uninterestedly.

Erica performed a simple examination on Yulea, made sure that the man's internal organs were not damaged, and injected him with a dose of healing potion.

The effect of this medicine is remarkable, but the side effects are also obvious. When the wound heals quickly, it will bring unbearable tearing pain.

This is a small punishment given to unruly prisoners in severe punishment prisons.

Erica was well aware of the shortcomings of this healing potion, and comforted him: "It will hurt a little, bear with it."

The man said frivolously, "Little prison guard, this kind of comfort is useless to me."

Erica looked around, took out a box of colorful candies from her pocket, and handed it to him: "Will this be useful?"

The girl stared at Uriah with clear eyes.

It's normal for girls to like sweets, but Uriah has no interest in candy, and with the strict military control, he basically has no chance to touch these sweet snacks.

Ulea unwrapped the candy wrapper, threw the candy wrapper aside casually, and put the crystal-clear candy into her mouth.

Intense and sweet raspberry flavors melt on the tongue.

It is a taste that little girls will like.

He smiled and thanked him not very seriously: "Thank you."

Ulea was sentenced to three days of confinement.

The prisoner who fought with him also ended up with him.

There was nothing in the confinement room, and it was almost dead silent.

People with insufficient willpower are easily driven to collapse by such a loss and loneliness that does not know the passage of time.

But this person is definitely not Uriah.

He has sufficient reason and cruelty, like a lone wolf dormant on the grassland, patiently waiting for the time to come for his own goals.

The man looked at the bare wall, with only one narrow vent opening on it, the air circulation was not smooth, and the atmosphere was stagnant.

He mouthed silently.

"first step."

——Getting close to Duke Benson's beloved daughter was his first step.

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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