Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 831 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 831 The Most Wanted Interstellar (6)

Ji Ge raised his head and looked at the gray sky.

The Severe Sentence Prison itself is located on a remote and desolate star, where it is very barren and lacks resources, and all the resources needed need to be transported by spaceships.

Life here is also very dull, basically no fun, and the wind can only wander around in the open space of the prison.

The cool green dotted the field of vision, and the cost of plants living here was quite high, so there were not many vegetation in the Severe Penalty Prison, and the few sporadic plants were transplanted at a high price.

The daily routine repeated every day, life is like dead water, without any waves, it will easily wear down the will of the prisoners, make them lose hope, and become numb.

Ji Ge laughed silently.

When a guard saw her, he frowned and shouted, "0124, what are you looking at?"

Ji Ge bowed her head docilely. The girl was slender and thin. She was as fragile as a flower that could not stand the wind and rain. She was weak and easy to fall. She replied quietly: "I didn't see anything."

Surprise flashed across the guard's eyes.

0124 This prisoner is not active in the severe punishment prison, but exists like an invisible person. Compared with those rebellious thorns, she is silent like another extreme.

Therefore, the guards rarely noticed her, and it was only today that they discovered that this introverted and gentle 0124 had an overly pretty face.

Pale but gorgeous, contradictory, beautiful beauty.

The guard rolled his eyes slightly, and walked forward with a smile: "0124, how is life in prison?"

"Very good," the girl replied quietly, "Thank you for your concern, sir."

When she heard the sir, the guards were in a good mood.

Under normal circumstances, the Federation does not care too much about the situation in severe prisons, so the guards have a high degree of autonomy, and some prisoners will choose to establish a good relationship with the guards in exchange for better treatment.

"That's good." After saying that, the guard wanted to step forward.

There was a cold light in Ji Ge's eyes, and he wondered which part of this thing would be better if he dared to touch him later, and the girl's angry voice rang out: "Lin Zhide, what are you doing?"

The bright and charming girl was like a hen protecting her cubs, she stood in front of Ji Ge without hesitation, raised her chin arrogantly, and the meaning of protection was self-evident.

Not all guards knew Erica's identity, but Lin Zhide was well-informed, and when he found out that she had a prominent background, he immediately forced a smile on his face.

"I just want to say hello to 0124, why does Erica make such a fuss."

"I don't know what's on your mind yet," the girl sneered, and glared at him: "You'd better stay away from Ji Ge, otherwise I'll beat you every time I see you approaching Ji Ge."

Is she a tigress?
The guards were frightened by Erica's fierceness, and immediately backed away.

"Didn't scare you." After Lin Zhide left, Erica suppressed the anger on her face and said with a smile: "If he comes to harass you again in the future, Ji Ge, please come and tell me, and I will help him run away."

In Erica's eyes, Ji Ge suddenly became a poor little girl who needed to be protected, and the guard just now was a villain with evil intentions.

"No." The girl said slowly, and lowered her eyes: "Thank you Erica for protecting me."

Her voice was sweet and crisp, and Erica's heart was full of joy, and the villain in her heart kept rolling.

Woo, so cute, I want to keep it.

 Three shifts

(End of this chapter)

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