Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 832 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 832 The Most Wanted Interstellar (7)

Three days later, Uriah was released.

Just now, a strong and strong man was seriously injured, which added a bit of an unfriendly aura to Ulea's head. Even during the wind-off time, the prisoners still consciously stood a little far away from him.

So the girl walking towards him alone stands out.

"Mr. Ulea." Ji Ge said softly.

Ulea snorted coldly, not too interested in dealing with Ji Ge, and her tone was full of impatience: "Why do you want me?"

The corners of Ji Ge's lips were slightly curved, and he went straight to the point: "Are you interested in breaking out of prison with me?"

Ulea looked at Jige as if she was looking at a lunatic: "You want to die, don't drag me along."

He lazily got up, wanting to leave.

But was nailed in place by the girl's words.

"You deliberately got hurt and found an opportunity to get close to Erica, isn't it just to escape from prison?"

Uriah suddenly turned around, staring at Jige gloomyly: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

The man seemed calm, but Ji Ge observed the slightly tense muscles of the other party with his excellent eyesight. His eyes were sharp, as if he was ready to attack at any time.

Jige had no doubts, as long as he said a wrong word, Uriah would rush up and tear himself apart.

The girl smiled lightly, and her long dark hair was tied up by a headband. It was a style carefully selected by Erica for her. It was a fresh mint green color, and her ponytail fell loosely on her shoulders, brushing against her gorgeous fair face.

Compared to a prisoner who made a big mistake, she is more like a beautiful and weak top student. The place where she should appear is not a dark and severe punishment prison, but a classroom of an institution of higher learning with bright and clean windows.

"Shall we cooperate?" Ji Ge asked, and said slowly: "I can help you untie the restraint bracelet on your hand."

Prisoners in severe punishment prisons are not strictly guarded. The most important reason is that they are all equipped with restraint bracelets, which contain miniature bombs.

This kind of thing will also suppress their mental strength and greatly weaken the combat effectiveness of the prisoners.

Ulea is an S-level awakener standing at the top of the pyramid, and just after awakening, an extremely powerful spiritual beast was born. However, his spiritual power was suppressed by the restraint bracelet, which prevented him from releasing his spiritual beast.

The spiritual beast is a manifestation of the materialization of spiritual power. The spiritual power gives birth to its own consciousness, and its ability changes qualitatively. It is the best partner to assist the awakened and the pacifier in combat.

Ulea sneered, not relaxing at all: "I don't cooperate with the weak."

Ulea has learned about the basic situation of Jige, her mental power is damaged, and she can't even be regarded as the lowest E-level pacifier.

There was a mysterious smile on the girl's lips: "Of course I won't show my cards to Mr. Ulea right now."

She asked bluntly, "Do you want to fight?"

Yulia narrowed her eyes: "Okay."

Ji Ge rushed up.

The girl's physique is naturally incomparable to Ulea's, but at least she has stayed in the cultivation plane, is proficient in fighting skills, and clearly knows where the weak points of the human body are.

Erica had just arrived in the Severe Penalty Prison not long ago, and she was a little uncomfortable with the environment. She stayed in the dormitory for a while today, but was pulled over by her colleagues when she arrived at the prison: "Ulea is fighting again."

"?!" The girl was surprised: "Where is it? Who did he fight with?"

The colleague glanced at Erica, and said without words: "And Tang Jige."

"Impossible." Erica retorted subconsciously: "How could Lone Song fight him?"

"Don't forget who they are," the colleague complained: "You have too much filter on Tang Jige, she couldn't be a really weak and kind girl."

 four shifts

(End of this chapter)

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