Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 833 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 833 The Most Wanted Interstellar (8)

Jige and Uleazi enter the confinement room.

There was only a small light turned on inside, and the light was pale. Ji Ge leaned against the cold wall and let out a breath.

This level of punishment will not have any impact on Ji Song.

As early as in You Prison, she was used to such an environment.

The male protagonist has already been drawn together. Although the cooperation between them is plastic, as long as one party is threatened and the other party will definitely confess to each other, it is still stable for the time being.

Now that there are candidates for cooperation, the next step is the date of action.

The biggest problem in the severe punishment prison is that there are no spaceships to drive. The supplies here are specially dispatched by other departments, and the spaceships that can pick up people come every once in a while.

So if they want to escape from prison, they first need to determine a suitable time.

This time is not hard to find.

Soon, Ji Ge waited for the right opportunity to act.

The news that the heavy punishment prison will have a big man coming to inspect cannot be hidden from the prisoners.

After all, the guards were transferred to prepare for the other party's arrival. It is said that the other party just passed by here and would not stay for long.

Ji Ge deeply felt that this was a good opportunity.

After all, most of the guards were not on duty at that time, which happened to give Jige a gap to exploit.

Erica has been hit hard since the fight between Jige and Ulea. She originally thought Jige was the kind of docile and weak girl, but the reality gave her a heavy blow, but she avoided Jige awkwardly. For a few days, she still couldn't help coming to talk to her.

She has many friends, but she doesn't know why she likes Jige very much.

Maybe it was because the breath on the girl made me feel very at ease.

As an employee of the Severe Penalty Prison, Erica naturally received a letter that a nobleman was coming to the Severe Sentence Prison for inspection. Because of her status, she knew more than others.

For example, the specific identity of this person.

Elected as the No.1 of the Deep Blue Federal Public Lover List, she is the favorite object of countless capital star noble girls.

——Marshal of the Deep Blue Federation First Corps, Xavier.

As famous as his incomparable prestige in the military department, there is also the young man's overly beautiful face.

Cold and refined, like some kind of precious art.

Duke Benson once wanted to match Erica and Xavier, so Erica had several contacts with the marshal.

It wasn't a pleasant experience for her.

After all, who wants to get too close to an iceberg.

Erica was thinking absent-mindedly. The warden called her name, waking the girl up from a state of trance. She pursed her lips: "Marshal Xavier, long time no see."

Next to the young man was his deputy, Wade. The other party was reporting something to Xavier, and his voice was very low. Even at such a short distance, Erica still couldn't hear him clearly.

She felt a little weird.

The invisible coercion brought by the marshal's powerful spiritual power seemed to dissipate.

"Miss Benson, long time no see." Wade nodded politely to Erica and said.

Erica raised a smile: "Long time no see, it's an honor to meet Lord Xavier."

Hearing his name, Xavier turned his head and nodded slightly to her.

After that, no one spoke, and the atmosphere fell into a rigid state.

The warden was all smiles, and just about to say something, the light brain in his hand suddenly rang.

He was stunned for a moment, his expression shocked: "Prisoners, there is a riot."

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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