Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 844 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 844 The Most Wanted Interstellar (19)

Wade arrived at about the same time as Xavier estimated. As the marshal's most valued deputy, Wade blamed himself for this attack: "It's the lack of protection of the subordinates that made the adults fall into trouble."

Wade was terrified. After Ji Song took away Xavier who had no ability to resist, he was always in fear. If Ji Song really wanted to hurt Xavier, the restraining neck ring was equipped with the function of monitoring danger. If the wearer's life is in danger, the suppression will be automatically lifted.

At that point, Xavier and Lone Song are likely to lose both sides.

The slender and handsome young man sat quietly on the sofa. He didn't wear a uniform jacket. The silk lining had a low-key luxury feeling. The silver clothes were buttoned neatly. The neat folds show a bit of ascetic elegance.

When Wade asked if he wanted to go all out to hunt down Jige and Uriah, Xavier spoke softly.

"Try your best to hunt down, but save the opponent's life first."

Wade looked up in astonishment at the order that was not in line with Xavier's character.

He didn't dare to look directly at Xavier before, and he didn't notice the abnormality of the young man, but now he saw something was wrong, his lips trembled slightly: "A pacifier with a high degree of compatibility?"

The young man nodded lightly.

Wedleton felt that fate was tricking people.

You know, the more top awakened ones, the more terrifying it would be if they lost control. Xavier's report showed that he would not lose control easily, but the Hill family didn't dare to bet on the one percent possibility. The scene of destroying the earth is more important. What's more, he has the position of marshal and stays on the front line all year round, so his mental stability is even more important.

So Speaker Hill tried his best to find a suitable pacifier for him, but after matching all the pacifier information in the gene bank, he still couldn't find a pacifier that matched Xavier.

Even the tallest one is only in the twenties, far below the passing line.

Now one finally appeared, and it turned out to be an escaped prisoner.

Wade felt a headache.

He wondered whether to report this matter to Speaker Hill, Xavier seemed to have guessed Wade's mind, and said proactively: "I will tell my brother about this personally."

Holding a cold star coin in the young man's hand, he looked out of the cabin window, the boundless starry sky was reflected in those cold and lonely eyes, and the mottled light and shadow climbed onto the young man's delicate and beautiful face, he slightly pursed his lips, his expression was unclear .

Wade breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly ordered his subordinates who came with him to control the spaceship. Instead of returning to the severe punishment prison, he flew to the nearest habitable star to conduct a full-body examination on Xavier and the comatose Erica. So as not to leave any future troubles.

In the interstellar era, the inspection process was astonishingly fast. Xavier had a special status, and the report was sent to the young man as soon as it came out. Wade glanced at it briefly, but without looking carefully, he handed the inspection report to Xavier.

One of the values ​​that impressed Wade the most was the activity of Xavier's cells. The blood of young people in the violent stage was restless, and the cells were also extremely active, but the data shown in the current report showed that it was stable.

However, Jige and Xavier only combined once, and the effect is as good as this, which means that the genetic compatibility between the two is extremely high.

Wade silently raised the importance of Lone Song again.

But what's frustrating is that no matter how hard they try, they can't find Ji Ge, she seems to have disappeared, and there is no trace at all.

 four shifts

(End of this chapter)

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