Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 846 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 846 The Most Wanted Interstellar (21)

Speaker Hill has a special status, and many people came forward to chat with him.

There were also guests who came with their female companions and spared no effort in introducing the girls around them in an attempt to impress Xavier.

Speaker Hill saw the other party's purpose at a glance and was willing to cooperate. Unfortunately, Xavier didn't say a few words from the beginning to the end, and cast a wink at the blind man, which made Speaker Hill hate iron for nothing.

After dismissing another group of people, Speaker Hill found a gap and sighed: "Xavier, you are too reckless."

The young man's eyelashes were raised slightly, and his smoky gray pupils were very light in color, with a cool and delicate texture like frosted tiles.

"If brother likes it, just do it yourself."

Xavier said flatly.

Speaker Hill glared at him: "What nonsense, I'm wholeheartedly devoted to your sister-in-law."

He said with some regret: "It's a pity that Tang Jige has never been found, otherwise there would be no need to find a suitable pacifier."

Xavier lowered his eyes and spoke after a while: "Brother, I want to go to the garden to get some fresh air."

"Go." Speaker Hill waved his hand as if chasing flies away, knowing that his younger brother was impatient for this kind of occasion, he watched the young man disappear from his field of vision, turned around and continued talking with others.

Behind the banquet hall is a large-scale glass greenhouse. It has a large space, and many flowers are planted in an orderly manner. The blooming is lively and prosperous. There are crimson roses, tender yellow roses, pure white gardenias... There are also thick green shrubs dotted in it, and the view Occupied by deep and light colors, the fragrance is tangy, creating a natural and relaxing aesthetic feeling.

Even though Xavier hid in the greenhouse, he was still not free. He left the banquet hall and arrived at the greenhouse in full view, so many people knew his whereabouts. An admirer mustered up the courage to confess to him, but the young man refused without hesitation. After the girl walked away in embarrassment, his gaze landed on behind a cluster of bushes. The dense branches and leaves of the dwarf trees covered most of his vision.

However, this kind of occlusion is almost non-existent for top awakened people with strong spiritual power.

The young man's voice was low: "Still coming out?"

After the bushes swayed for a while, a slender figure slowly came out from behind, and took the lead in announcing: "I didn't mean to peek, I was sitting there before you spoke."

A bench was set up behind the shrubs. It was not easy to be found because of visual misalignment. Late Song was also boring for a while, so I sat there for a while, and I didn’t expect to see a good show.

The girl blinked innocently, emphasizing: "I really didn't see anything."

Ah bah... This sentence seems to be self-inflicted.

Ji Ge was silent for a while, and simply chose to skip it, and greeted the other party with a smile: "Long time no see, sir."

The girl spoke frivolously, her black hair curled into waves that belonged exclusively to scum girls, and she fell down casually, her dark eyes, snow-skinned red lips, and her sea monster-like complexion became more and more outstanding after three years of precipitation. Lazy and careless.

Xavier fixedly looked at her, smiled, and said slowly: "Tang Jige, the S-rank wanted criminal of the Deep Blue Federation," he paused, and continued, "I saw you here, can I arrest you?" stand up?"

The girl didn't panic at all, she wrapped her arms around the young man like a sympathizer.

Xavier didn't dodge, and looked at Ji Ge calmly, waiting to see what else she wanted to do.

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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